Flaking paint on S4 reflector housing


Well-Known Member
I'm doing some maintenance on S4 fixtures and have a question about a specific area of paint flaking. I took off the lamp burner assembly and can see the back of the reflector. When I hit it with canned air the black paint flaked off from the metal housing around the back of the reflector. I'm attaching a pic for specificity. Do I need to repaint this spot? I assume BBQ flat black would be the remedy. 've gone through the forum as best I can but haven't seen this part addressed in particular. Thanks!


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I have seen this happen but it has never posed an issue for me. The fixtures are cast aluminum so while they can theoretically corrode (if perhaps used in a damp environment), the area won't rust. My personal opinion is that the juice wouldn't be worth the squeeze when it comes to carefully masking the reflector in order to repaint that one spot. The original powder coat flaked off, so inevitably the high-temp spray paint probably will too at some point.
I have seen this happen but it has never posed an issue for me. The fixtures are cast aluminum so while they can theoretically corrode (if perhaps used in a damp environment), the area won't rust. My personal opinion is that the juice wouldn't be worth the squeeze when it comes to carefully masking the reflector in order to repaint that one spot. The original powder coat flaked off, so inevitably the high-temp spray paint probably will too at some point.
That's exactly the answer I was hoping for. Thanks!
I've only ever attempted to repaint the outside of source fours, and usually only in a blackbox because the fixtures were visible.
Ended up masking off most of the rest of the s4 and spraying with BBQ paint.
Aluminum can carrode if in heat and un-treated and grow. As opposed to paint you could try spray graphite for a coating. But best to sand blast or sand area for tooth for the paint to stick to and paint it. Paint needs something to stick to and if the paint already came off, it's not going to adhere well.

Performance, probably won't hurt it just the long term concern, I have seen almost fully silver cap/area assemblies.

Remember spray paint will bun in and smoke. After burning in, you should clean lamp/reflector/lenses.

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