
  1. R

    Leprecon 1624 LED Problem

    I'm having a problem with my Leprecon 1624 control console. It controls dimmers with no problems, but when driving my ColorKey WaferPAR HEX 12 Mk2s. When the LEDs addressed to channels 19-24 every other has only a three step dimmer curve 0/30/100%. Readdressing makes no difference. If I...
  2. F

    Conventional Fixtures Mini leko recommendation

    Hi Folks!I am looking for a mini leko in the range of a S4 mini LED with more brightness, comparable size, DMX, no color LED cells only a WW for example.Do you have recommadation about this kind of fixture?Thanks!
  3. Clubitz

    Looking for a new cyc light

    I've recently been hired as the tech lead at a high school (Lead electrician, TD, Set and Light designer combo), we're looking into upgrades to our poorly maintained cyc lighting. The cyc is 30'h x 50'w, and is currently being lit by 3 Strand Aurora 4-cell Cyc lights, at a distance of 7 feet...
  4. SeandeeTD

    DMX control of white LED

    I know there are a million DMX Decoders out there for RGB LED strip lights, but are there any for white LED? I dont want to have to waste the channels if I dont have to and they all look like they have power/R/G/B outputs. I just want to be able to fade white LED tape like I do RGB. Am I...
  5. J

    LED Stage Light Options for High School Theater

    Hi all,I am a high school student who works for my school district on my school's stage sound and lighting systems. I am looking at LED lighting options to give to the school district for when they decide to go LED. Because halogen bulbs are becoming more difficult to find and our current...
  6. A

    CD80 Non-Dim Patch?

    To start, I have 2 full-size CD80 dimmer racks with C21 control systems. Most modules are dual 2.4kw dimmer modules, I have one factory labeled constant power, and a couple of modified constant power modules. My controller is a full-sized Strand Neo Console. For an upcoming show in a couple of...
  7. tdtastic

    Wireless Dimming LED's inside prop

    Working on a new futuristic play that calls for several props and one costume piece to have LED indicator lights that turn on and off at scripted times throughout the play. I could get away with a simpler actor-controlled setup for one of the props. But ultimately I'd love wireless DMX control...
  8. H

    LED Follow spot recommendations

    I might be in the market for a couple of new follow spots. I've been looking into the LED options and was possibly looking at the Altman AFS 700. A friend has recommended the Lycian Superstar 600. My throw is a tick over 100 feet. Thoughts? Other suggestions?
  9. Mistermon

    Printed pattern projection through LED SRC4

    Hello CB, I have an odd question which I think will require some trial and error, but wanted to ask the group if anyone had any experience in what I'm considering.Background: Years ago I was able to rent some lekos (Selecon Acclaim, I think) that had the light source 90degrees from the lens...
  10. jcslighting

    Best Diffusion for Elation Sixpar 300

    I'm looking for suggestions for an upcoming show - so excited to have one, an upcoming show that is! The space has a compliment of Elation Sixpar 300 fixtures hung from a fixed truss over the dance floor but for this show we are building a stage extension over that dance floor that will raise...
  11. C

    Seeking advice on new LED Cyc lights

    Hey all, I'm looking to update our cyc lights to LEDs and wanted to seek advice. We have a 50'x14' cyc (low ceiling), limited channel capacity, and limited budget. I am fine with strip lights, but have not found any great products. All of ETC's are too expensive, and won't be able to make the...
  12. dvsDave

    USITT - Forum@4 - Mixing different LED color systems in a single lighting rig

    Webinar description: Fixture manufacturers have developed LED Color mixing systems that utilize various combinations of LEDs including RGB, RGBA, RGBW, RGBL, RGBAL, RGBAW, RGBAWUv, or even White LEDs using subtractive CMY systems. Ford Sellers (Sr Product Manager for Chauvet Professional) talks...
  13. Mike52

    Automated Fixtures LED Movers - Purchase Advice

    Hey all, sorry for yet another post on movers. We are picking up 11-13 new profiles and I am looking for experiences/advice with any of the following.Martin - ERA 600 Profile Martin - MAC Quantum - We have used and they are solid fixtures, but no CTO or shutters make them less desirable...
  14. hnorth561

    LED RGB downlights Ethernet

    I was in building that was purchased by a church, there is a large auditorium upstairs that was being converted into a night club before they bought it but they went bankrupt and couldn’t finish it, downstairs there was a functioning night club but it had closed for renovations. They have...
  15. Graham Darnell

    LED vs Conventional

    Hi Everyone, I am currently writing an essay on why LED Lighting fixtures will eventually become the standard in the lighting industry. I am looking for sources for my essay and have found a couple but wanted to see what the community might have. If you have any research or sources that speaks...
  16. Palms

    RGB LED Tape DMX decoder wiring

    Hi all,I have a DMX decoder for RGB LED tape and I want to wire it up for use on a show. Its clear how the tape gets wired in but I have got a bit confused on how the power supply hooks up. There is an in for the power input clearly marked but then there is also another 'V- V-' terminal that...
  17. N

    Are you using the ETC Releve Spot? Would you buy it again?

    I am suggesting some lights to update a small theatre and as much as I want to like the Releve, it seems hard to believe it will be very useful given its low brightness.The type of theatre is exactly what seems to be the market for this fixture, but looking at ETC's own photometrics app it is...
  18. Rose03

    The Perfect Mover?

    Excuse the dumb question but, are there any moving lights with RGBW color mixing and shutters in the same fixture? Our venue is looking at buying a few movers. Last year we rented a High End Solaframe 750 which was great apart from the CMY mixing and CTO.
  19. P

    LED Tape with Blue and White dim

    Hello all,I have LED tape that is functioning and programable but the blue and white colors are significantly dimmer than the red or green or any color mixing options. I have tried switching decoders and switching the leads on the wiring but still the blue and white are dim. Any suggestions...
  20. Smatticus

    Focusing Source Four LED Ellipsoidals

    So I'm focusing my first rig consisting of LED ellipsoidals for the area front lights and I'm noticing an interesting artifact that I'm not used to with incandescent ellipsoidals. The LED elllipsoidals are Source Four LED Series 2 Lustr+ with EDLT tubes. Each individual beam field appears to be...