What make & model is this Lav element?

Ken Porter

New Member
I’ve come across some older elements in a collection at work.
No branding. No serial numbers. No company logos. Nuthin’.
In the attached pic, I’ve got 3 examples of the same unknown mic. Against the light surface are two: one with a windscreen/grille, and one without.
Between my thumb & index finger is the third. Zoom in to see the business end of it. It’s got 6 or 7 ports. Not sure if the center is a port for the element, or just a divot of some kind.
Dimension wise, I’m guessing a diameter of about 4mm, a length of maybe 15-16mm, including the little rubber boot/strain relief.

This isn’t urgent. I’m just curious what I’ve got on my hands.

Thanks, all!
- K


  • KIMG3686.JPG
    244.5 KB · Views: 58
They look to me like Sony ECMs, -55, -66, -77?

I used either 55s or 66s on Community Access TV back in the 90s.

Electret condenser, phantom or a battery, XLR plug housing with a battery compartment in it.

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