
USITT - Forum@4 - Mixing different LED color systems in a single lighting rig

Webinar description: Fixture manufacturers have developed LED Color mixing systems that utilize various combinations of LEDs including RGB, RGBA, RGBW, RGBL, RGBAL, RGBAW, RGBAWUv, or even White LEDs using subtractive CMY systems. Ford Sellers (Sr Product Manager for Chauvet Professional) talks us through the various color mixing systems, and then leads a discussion on how best to utilize a variety of fixtures in the same lighting rig.

This session will be most beneficial to anyone (Student, Designer, Electrician, or Educator) who currently has multiple types of LED fixtures, or fixtures from multiple manufacturers.

The discussion will help answer questions such as: How can Lighting Designers work with multiple systems in the same lighting rig? How can different systems work together, and what can you do to make best use of using multiple color systems easier?

Presenter: Ford Sellers ( @Ford ) is an active lighting designer, and freelance electrician. He has been the Senior Product manager for Chauvet Professional, and Iluminarc since 2010. Prior to joining Chauvet, Ford was the Master Electrician for Cornell Universty's school of Theatre, Film, and Dance. Ford was also the Assistant Lighting Director for MGM Grand Productions, and worked as a projectionist and follow-spot operator for large productions in Las Vegas.

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