
  1. T

    Automated Fixtures Quiet Moving Head LED fixtures

    I work in a 110 seat black box which produces intimate theater in thrust or arena staging. Since the "grid" is about 14' off the deck, the noise from dimmers that are currently in the air is sometimes distracting. So we are looking to upgrade to LED fixtures so we are not using these dimmers. I...
  2. S

    Multiplex and DMX at the same time

    Hello and greetings from Hot Springs, AR. I have a technical question that is a little out of my wheelhouse. I currently operate the audio booth at our local theater and recently our lighting system has been on the fritz, it only about 20 years old. I am pushing that we go to LED lighting since...
  3. CHAUVET Professional

    CHAUVET Professional Lighting Insights: Dimming with LED fixtures

    Join our European Product Manager Sam Bowden as he takes us through the intricacies of combining of 16 bit dimming and dimming curves.
  4. CHAUVET Professional

    CHAUVET Professional Ovation E-190WW User Manual Rev. 8

    Powered by 19 10-watt LEDs, Ovation E-190WW delivers an excellent white light with a warm color temperature, a beautiful flat field and high CRI for truer color rendering. It also features standard beam shaping shutters, a gobo/effect slot and lens barrels that are interchangeable with other...
  5. Swade White

    Elation EPAR QA LED Flickering

    Our school has a couple of these LED's and they are connected through DMX along with 4 VL2500 movers. Every few minutes, the LED's flash white for about a tenth of a second and then go back to normal for a few minutes until they do it again. They do the same thing even if the intensity is at 0%...
  6. CHAUVET Professional

    CHAUVET Professional COLORado 1 Quad Zoom User Manual Rev. 1

    COLORado 1-Quad Zoom is an excellent indoor/outdoor wash light with seven Osram RGBW LEDs delivering big time power from a compact, yet solid housing. It maintains its IP65 rating with IP rated DMX cables, but standard 5-pin XLR DMX cables work perfectly for indoor use. A 13° to 45° zoom gives...
  7. Hanthorn

    LED House light control

    I am looking to install some LED retrofits in the house lighting at my theater, has anyone tied or know how to get DMX/ArtNET/sACN to control ZigBee devices (the LED house lights) I am looking at the Sylvainia Lightify product line. Thanks in advanced!
  8. G

    etc Luster 2, what should I know?

    Dear lighting guys and gals,My humble theatre just purchased 8 new ETC Source 4 Luster 2. Yay for us. We currently use an ETC Ion for our board and while we do have some LEDs (PL series 1 cyc lights) but this is a big step forward for us. Does anyone have an advice about these fixtures? We...
  9. D

    LED House Lights Not dimming

    So my theatre installed a bunch of LED house lights 0-10V 1% dimming and gave me a few ELV10 dimmer modules and said it should work fine. Well surprise they don't dim. any ideas? The link to the units we have are below We are running 3 ETC sensor3 racks...
  10. EdSavoie

    CD80-AE and Dimmable LEDs

    We have this Bulletproof CD80 Advanced Electronics Rack filled with the 2.4KW modules, and life is just dandy. Travel to a few years ago and part of an "eco friendly" initiative has our house lights replaced with LEDs.I'm sure most of you can see where this is going now, but the LEDs aren't...
  11. T

    Intensity effects on Incandescent Edison vs. LED edison bulbs

    Recently, our next event was going to be based around stranger things. Loved the show and since it has become a smash hit, why not pull some ideas from them. We have a ton of incandescent Edison bulbs in our stage design and I am afraid to run any type of intensity effects on them in fear of...
  12. T

    Looking for Non-Flickering LED Tape solution

    Every month, my Church puts on large scale events, each month themed differently. This challenges me to not always have the same lighting design as the month before it. My first idea is to create a box with LED tape inside and have it powered through a driver so I can control it from my console...
  13. C

    How do I turn LED lights into wash lights?

    I was wondering what frost is best for spreading the LED beam. We want to hang Chroma-Q Colour Force 72 LED lights vertically behind chloroplast sheets. The beam angle is approximately 23 degrees and we want to diffuse it to approximately 60-70 degrees using a frost. What frost would you...
  14. Brad.O

    Control/Dimming Converting EDI SPI Q-2 dimmer module to constant power

    We have a need to convert a few channels of our existing dimmer-per-circuit installation into constant power to support LED and ML loads.Wondering if anyone has the circuit diagrams for a Q-2 module - we'd likely only be converting 1 of the 4 channels in the module as we want to distribute the...
  15. T

    Need recommendations for space upgrade

    I am now looking to find some affordable lighting fixtures for a venue that can hold around 500/600 people. We have a 7x3 schedule 40 pipe grid that we can move anything around that reaches about 12 ft high. Our fixtures are either European fixtures that would normally require transformers and...
  16. T

    Changing out transformer in EU fixtures

    Recently, my pastor asked me to find a solution to the lighting we have at our church. For years we have owned around 20 Stairville 252 Led bars. Some have seen worse days as they sit in disrepair, but that is besides the fact. I have been told that I can simply swap out the 230v 50hz...
  17. bcronenwett

    Color Force Issues

    Hey all,I have a Color Force 72 that's has had a few card issues. The fixture will default to Amber on certain cards while the fixture is idle and continue to hold Amber even while receiving Dmx values without Amber. We have replaced the cards and that fixes the issues temporarily, but then...
  18. Graham Zellers

    Design Need Wiring LED Help

    Hello all,My theatre has decided to put up a show in which there is a ton of individual LEDs and LED tape needed within our scenery and needs to be DMX-controllable. I am not exactly sure where to begin though I know we will have a 15' by 30' wall that breaks into 5 sections (for wall moving...
  19. bmcewing

    LED spot/profile recommendations

    Hello, I am currently halfway through upgrading my venue's lighting stock which consisted of strand 2k alto fresnels/profiles and 24 1k pars. Our strand 530i has been replaced with a grandma2 ultra light with additional touchscreen and fader wing. FOH: 6 b-eye k10s, 8 robe dl4s. On stage: 12...
  20. finnb5

    Design DIY LED Adventure

    Hello! (See below for a TL;DR)I am a high school student, and I do lighting design for my school. Needless to say, the budget is a little bit tight for our theatre, despite the sports facilities being renovated every year...but that's none of my business. We have a wonderful ETC board which...