Beam Draw - Vectorworks - Issue coloring beam on floor


I'm working with Beam Draw in VWX and am trying to modify the color of the areas that the "Show Coverage" drop down menu displays (Face to Floor, Face to Additional, Additional to Floor)

Have any of you had luck with this? Currently it only show up as a light grey area.

It should respect gel color, if I'm understanding your question correctly.
I believe you are correct danTt.

However, and I should have clarified, I am using the Beam Draw plug-in. It does not have an option similar to this that I can find and am hoping someone may have an answer.

Ah, draw beam vs. beam draw, I see! Sorry, I haven't used the plugin. Might be worth an email to the author though to see if either it's already possible or alternatively, if they would consider adding it.

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