Control/Dimming ETC Gio Touchscreen Problem


Active Member
Hi all,

Been searching around the web for an answer to this question with no luck.

I've got an ETC Gio running v2.4. Trying to connect an ELO touchscreen to it. Video output is fine, but the touch is all wonky. I click on one spot, it registers input elsewhere. Tried calibrating many times using the windows utility and the elo utility. Tried every option in the settings menu. Tried restarts. The same touchscreen works fine on an Ion running v2.4. Ion is post 2014 variety running Windows 7. Photo attached of the touchscreen info. Unfortunately I did not write down the Elo model # before leaving the jobsite yesterday. Any ideas fine internet people?

Thanks in advance!


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Where in relation is the cursor going. Opposite direction, different screen, random location.

Few things:
Top of my head resolution issue.

Not setting the monitor up properly in window alignment so the desk thinks your clicking somewhere your not.

Best thing you can do is call ETCs support line when you are in front of the desk and they should be able to square you away.

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