n00b here, doing what he's told...


So, dive right in and introduce yourself ... start a new thread ... Let us know what you love about this industry, how you got into it, what you want to learn and have to offer!

Well, ok then!

Hello everyone; total n00b to this forum here. (Though not exactly a n00b in what I do.)
Not sure if this is the "correct" forum to be in, as I don't really do much technical "theatre", per se. (I'm more involved with concerts, variety/talent shows, and P.A. systems for large conferences/speeches/seminars. Also some sound recording & archive preservation/remastering work.) But by total random browsing, I found some interesting discussions on here. So I figured I'll try joining. (I can always delete again if I find I'm the square peg in a forum of round holes.)

What I love:
I'm all about technical things, especially electronics. And I have a soft spot for audio electronics. I also like parties and concerts. And therefore "party electronics". Which includes lighting systems along with the sound systems. :)

How I got into it:
It's a long story, but the synopsis is: I've always had a fascination with electricity. As a child since age 5, I only wanted electric toys. By age 10, I was building audio electronics projects, modifying audio equipment, playing with open-reel-to-reel tape recorders, etc. The hobby continued, leading me to an electronics design technician job after high-school, some work with a theatre company, and now working as a sound & lighting technician at a university, while I also study electrical engineering there as a "mature student".

...though I'm not sure the "mature" part always applies. ;-)

We'll see about how the last two requests pan out on this forum.
Well welcome to the forum. Not ALL of us do Theatre, however it really is the main focus here. Its all good, anything that relates makes you more than welcome here.

Lots of different shaped holes around here. Kind of what makes this place great as we get people from different perspectives.

Where abouts in Ontario are you located (primarily)?

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