Troubleshooting SFX, by Stage Research


Active Member
Somehow SFX has screwed up and now I can no longer open my show file!!!! HELP!!! I can open older show files just fine, but when I try to open my current show file I get the error message attached. We love the program and don't usually have problems with SFX but this is the not the first or second time this has happened. Last year I had to completely rebuild a show from scratch -- I wanted to kill myself.

Is there a way I can recover this file?! I'm using version 6.2.11 - would an update fix this?!


  • IMG_0990.JPG
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What’s it say in more details?

Can you open the file in anything else.
It just says “unexpected error possibly due to a program bug.” SFX closes as soon as you exit out of the error message. This all happened when I was trying to save the file so maybe it’s a memory problem with my PC? Not sure how I would attempt to open the file in any other way - not sure what you mean. Computers can often be over my head. just desperate to find a way around building this show file from scratch — it would take me days....
Zip it and post it. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow. Or PM me it.
Uh... did you contact Stage Research? Carlton is very responsive to user issues.
Yeah what did you figure obon this.
Thanks for all the advice and offers for help. I had great luck getting in touch with Stage Research and they were very helpful - he wasn't able to save my file so I did have to re-program the show which took all day but we got back up and running. I didn't upgrade to the newest version just yet, for fear of running into other patch/sound card issues and no time to troubleshoot between shows. Seems that the problems we've had have been with our operating system and we plan to invest in a much more powerful PC for sound playback. We WILL upgrade software after we get some better equipment.

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