Wireless dmx systems

We just got a wireless DMX system installed at my church. I'm not sure on the brand though. I can check when I'm up there tomorrow. We've only had it up and running for a week now, but no major problems so far. We had one DOA receiver, but the other 2 receivers and the transmitter are working fine. Our installed range is about 100 feet. I haven't had a chance to test maximum range yet.
I own one of the RC4 wireless DMX systems. It works great. I have talked about it many times here. I am sure that a Little searching will turn up the posts. In any event, I have not had any issues with the system, it works all over our theatre with the transmitter in the booth I have had receivers almost everywhere on stage and in the auditorium.
The receiver needs 9-12VDC.

All of this information is available right on their website: RC4-Magic Wireless DMX & Dimming

Also, I know that we have a representative from TheatreWireless as a member here on CB.
While it is an interesting option to do wireless DMX, I think that you will find that people would prefer one of the following options: 1) A fixture that uses hardline DMX or 2) a fixture that is somehow dimable on a standard dimmer. Option 2 is probably considerably harder to achieve, but would probably be the ideal solution as so many potential consumers already have dimming infrastructure in place and running data to EVERy fixture would be a PITA. The reason that I say hardline as opposed to wireless is because the potential for failure is significantly less. Most people will only use wireless DMX when there is no other option, the general consensus is that wireless is much less desirable for show critical applications than hardline.

It is one thing if the wirelessly controlled practical doesn't work, but it would really be a bummer when your frontlight doesn't turn on!
Many thanks to Alex for mentioning RC4 Wireless. Our wireless dmx modules will do a fine job of replacing dmx cables. We also have integrated dimmers that provide pwm dimming for incandescent and led lamps. Take a look at our RC4Magic Series 2 at RC4-Magic Wireless DMX & Dimming.

Jim Smith, President and Product Designer
Rc4 Wireless

(please pardon the commercial content -- I feel it is appropriate and relevent in this case)
I use the R4 when nessecary... We own a transmitter, and two recievers...
Almost always used in combination with a large battery pack with a built in 120v Inverter.

We use them on Revolves or trucking set pieces for things like NSI/Leviton 4x600w Packs or a City Theatrical PDS-750 TR pushing some Color Blasts... Also have a couple of DMX Relays, but those see less use.

All in all, I have no issues with the R4... I'm not convinced I trust it for daily use in place of DMX Cables... But I've never had a SINGLE issue with it in almost 2 years of use.

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