Recent content by bitbrat

  1. B

    What is it? #1988

    Hi guys, Thanks for bringing this to my attention Derek. I work in this venue (which was heavily renovated shortly after these pictures were taken) - it is now known as the Victoria Theater, in Dayton, Ohio (The renovation was completed back in the 80's) I started asking around some of the...
  2. B

    Anyone have green roundels for sale?

    Hey, did you ever find those roundels? I just removed some old fixtures during an upgrade (Century striplights I think) and they were full of the classic Red Green Blue roundels - the lights are junk, but the roundels may be good??? I will measure one and get back to you if you're still...
  3. B

    "Decor" Dimmers, patch, and console.

    Hi folks, been a stupid busy day.... you don't want to know....Anyway, since there is clearly some interest in these parts, here are some more details:This is a Decor system, custom installed from standard parts Push/pull patch bay removed, and unfortunately partially "salvaged" by venue...
  4. B

    Looking for a strand manual

    OK, I've never used one, but a quick look around revealed this: GeniusPro Lightpalette Software 500 series operations manual. Or have you already seen that? Oh wait, then there's this page: Lighting desks about halfway down there are several links for various 500 series Strand...
  5. B

    "Decor" Dimmers, patch, and console.

    OK, I appreciate this may be against the rules, but.... I recently completed a major refit in a college theatre that involved removing some old Decor dimmers, push-pull patch-bay, and console. I have all these parts laying around, and I just know someone is interested..... or knows someone...
  6. B

    Automated Fixtures Chauvet Legend 5000x Display Problems

    OK, I know this is an old thread, but I found it after searching a problem I had... I had two oby-5 lights doing the same thing. Fix is to hold the left and right arrow keys (menu keys) while turning on the fixture. You have to wait while the lamp strikes and then the unit starts to home...