Recent content by Celeste

  1. C

    Conventional Fixtures Strong Trouper Followspot

    Thank you guys so much! I'm very impressed. Both Cinema Carbons and Cinema Products Home | Jack Roe USA Inc. had what I needed. All the Googling in the world wouldn't have led me to them (although I hadn't hit on "projection" or "cinema") but you guys did!
  2. C

    Conventional Fixtures Strong Trouper Followspot

    This is very much a long shot, but I'm wondering if anybody has a source for Super Trouper carbon rods. Production of them in the U.S. stopped entirely in 2002, as far as I know. I really could use a box of postives.
  3. C

    No Standbys!

    I call an elementary school talent show every year. I know what you mean, but I still call standbys. Really, what's the harm? You have something else to be doing with those seconds? ;) Plus, in my experience, it's the dull repetitive show that things tend to go wrong, since nobody cares that...
  4. C

    Hello From California!

    Hey there, I'm in your neck of the woods. :) I mostly stage manage for companies on the Peninsula and South Bay. What high school do you go to, if you don't mind sharing? I work a bunch with San Mateo HS.
  5. C

    Lens... Deck...

    I once had a mirror fall from Roscoe I-Cue during a show. The mirror broke when it hit the ground, but cleanly into two pieces - not shattering. I've never had such a thing happen before or after. The master electrician discovered that the double sided tape that holds the mirror to the...
  6. C

    Ripped Cyc!

    What a bummer! Hopefully it's a rip that can be repaired so that it's minimally visible.
  7. C

    Electrical Shock

    I'm a stage manager who rarely has call to work with electrical equiptment. I've probably been shocked five times, but three of those times were a result of the same incident with a cable that was shorting (and I stupidly kept touching it). The other times were when hot patching a show against...
  8. C

    Flying in small venue?

    I saw a production of Peter Pan in a black box theater that was pretty bad. Flying by Foy but brutally distracting because it was so low and lame looking. I once worked a production of "Roosters" in a small black box theater, but with higher ceilings, that involved flying a girl straight up at...
  9. C

    Attention All Stage Managers!

    Michael Taylor gave good advice. For threads on resumes and job hunting for professional stage manager, you may want to visit, a bulletin board similar to this one, with a stage management focus. - Index
  10. C

    Collaboration issue

    Your place is to facilitate a conversation about how to resolve this issue between the artistic staff, and ultimately the producer, if necessary.
  11. C

    Pre-Rehearsal Process and Meetings

    Who are "we"? You? :) I primarily do musical theatre stage management. I meet with the producer, the director, the musical director and the choreographer prior to the first rehearsal, primarily for scheduling purposes. I usually meet with the director several times prior to first rehearsal...
  12. C

    Greetings from a Stage Manager

    Alas, I did not. I had a favorite vendor who stopped making their own. I looked for alternatives, found a few that I didn't like as well (or rather our sound guy didn't like as well), and eventually purchased some from a place in NY, which we later modified to meet our needs. I think wireless...
  13. C

    Little Shop Of Horrors: Plant

    I saw a production that used flutter-feti cannons (not pyro!) to shoot green confetti streamers out over the audience at the end of the show. I think their vision was more of a million little Audrey II's out in the audience, but it could work as an explosion. The manual confetti launchers are...
  14. C

    newbie with lighting questions

    For a campfire, movement is a major visual element of the fire/light. Every campfire I've worked with has included either a rotating drum of gel with various colors, or a small fan and shreds of silk fabric that are blown up and move in the light from within the fire "pit". As needed, these...
  15. C

    Greetings from a Stage Manager

    I stumbled on this site months ago, while seeking a source for wireless transmitter belts. I'm finally getting around to registering. I'm a stage manager for a regional musical theater company, and I also stage manage for a bunch of other smaller dance companies and schools in the off season...