Recent content by Cuelist

  1. C


    No argument there. I will check on our rationale for the claims and if necessary request to have them amended. It serves no one to have misleading claims. The "60%" figure was from your original post and I should not have picked up on it, my apologies. That said - achieving 8000 lumens...
  2. C


    "Would you mind explaining, i.e. showing the math, that gives you this 60% improvement? From the numbers I have seen in this thread, I don't know where you get this sixty percent."The figure of 60% came from the original poster, I guess he simply took the 8000 lumens of the MAC 350 Entour...
  3. C


    Dear Adam,I am happy that you're excited about our MAC 350 Entour, you're not alone in that respect. This fixture has created quite a stir in the market.I don't quite understand your statement: "...they're pushing a "green" solution that is only marginally more efficient than a 250W...
  4. C

    Automated Fixtures Martin MAC 301 Wash

    I agree that 'blending in the air' isn't the ultimate solution but in reality the blending is better than usual with the MAC301. A Fresnel lens may help but it would create other issues and add considerable weight and cost. Our MAC 401 to released later this year uses multicolor LEDs pair...
  5. C

    Automated Fixtures Martin MAC 301 Wash

    Sorry for late reply, I was in New York city demoing some of our new toys with great success. Yes, the MAC301 is pretty much identical to the JB Lighting A7 fixture. After first seeing this unit at an early stage about 12 months ago, we saw the opportunity to match their fixture to our...
  6. C

    Hello, I'm a Vidiot! ;-)

    Hello! This is Mats Karlsson in Belgium. I just joined and here's a brief introduction: Since September 2007 I am "technology manager" at Martin Visual Solutions (a division of Martin Professional A/S in Denmark). I'm responsible for the development of new and useful product in the video...