Recent content by DHight

  1. DHight

    High School Level "Certification"

    I managed a high school auditorium for twelve years, I learned very quickly that if you're the manager you have to be the sole authority. When I first began my job, the venue was a free-for-all. Renters and our own Fine Arts departments all had access to absolutely everything. Anybody who cared...
  2. DHight

    Linear excursion of speaker cone.

    My understanding of the total amount a speaker cone may travel (Xmas) is relative to the volume it may produce, as the greater the excursion, the more air will be moved. I assume also, that higher excursion limits probably require more power, and that box design must take in consideration T/S...
  3. DHight

    Hello all.

    I'm new to this forum I suppose, though at one time I did ask for and receive technical advice from the members of ControlBooth. Up until about a year and a half ago I managed a high school auditorium. We produced our own theatrical and musical performances, and also rented the venue out to...