Recent content by IndigoFire

  1. I

    I can't believe....

    Re: Descending Fresnel This particular lamp has not since been hung overhead and has only been used for side booms. All the safety wires in said venue have been replaced with fully machine swaged wires. It was discovered that the safety wire on that lamp was hand swaged incorrectly...
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    Creating Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis

    Kjetil Skogli has created some amazing video of the aurora borealis that would work wall with projection through haze.
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    Director acting as Stage Manager?

    Directors as SM have never worked for me. Luckily enough, last time this happened the crew i had was very independent and did an excellent job of keeping up despite the director writing notes on her script 10 pages back. Once i was able to impress upon her that the technical aspects do not...
  4. I

    Control/Dimming Blackout Button

    Always did the same thing. Running a school venue i would go away for a couple of days and find that i had bubbles blown when i got back. I also made a habit of doing a similar thing with the audio gear at the amps. Couldn't stop them from making pretty patterns on my EQ's though! GRRR! :evil:
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    Control/Dimming Blackout Button

    Agreeed completely. I would have said something had i not been under the desk trying to plug back in the audio power she had kicked out. After this incident i quickly discovered that a (dry) coke bottle lid and a little gaff make an excellent DBO cover.
  6. I

    I can't believe....

    Just for clarification, LX was not fully responsible for that "descending" Fresnel. There was a small miscalculation when rigging a flat on the bar US of LX1. Result: flat vs fresnel, flat win, clamp break, safety wire fail, fresnel vs floor. PS Fresnel still works, lead stuffed.
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    Hard drives being stolen

    Just today i heard the telltale windows "click" sound from opening a file during a rehearsal. As for running the music from a network, unless you some serious security stopping other users from accessing it, you'll have DRM lawyers all over you in no time. Not to mention the thousands of...
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    CB: Technical Forum or English Class?

    I think that conveying expressions like laughing (lol) is a great way to add to the point you are trying to make. That's not to say i believe in abbreviating everything you say. Typos need to be accepted; we are human, we make mistakes. As for spelling, yes people need to check what they are...
  9. I

    I can't believe....

    A shool theatre has a FOH LX bar with 3 of the 6 pickups snapped or not attached. That's 9m with 3 pickups. Furthermore there are now 8 conventionals, 2 scanners and 2 yokes on it. Oh, and the 2K fresnel. And kudos to the very same venue for having a 4.5m scaff without a ladder. And patches that...
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    Don't try this at home!

    Holy Crapola! He has to be a madman. As many crazy and dangerous things we do these days, there is always some safety layer! I just CANNOT believe he wasnt wearing a hi-vis vest around that crane!
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    A/V playback software with minor editing features

    Not a professional product. But Winamp is free, simple, and has by far the best media library and playlisting i've come across. With a second monitor, you can even have it running video and visualizations with transitions. Also has a built in 10 band graphics EQ and options to add a graphical...
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    Control/Dimming Blackout Button

    I would have.... but being a 10yo+ Strand 12/24, i wouldn't particularly miss it.
  13. I

    Control/Dimming Blackout Button

    Just last week i had my director put her coffee cup on my b/o button. It scared the hell out of her when the whole room went black. She almost spilled the coffee!:shock:
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    What do you do when a director wants to be in the booth?

    in my experience, once the show is in the venue the the stage manager takes control and it is up to them where and how much the director is involved. If you have a problem with the director being in the booth, you should first raise it with your director. Failing that, approach the stage...
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    On the cusp

    Hi all, Glad to find somewhere i can talk tech without completely bamboozling everyone with my questions. About Me: After finishing high school, i have taken a year off to work before i go to university next year. I've spent the majority of the year working on many productions to...