Recent content by jbart74

  1. J

    Control/Dimming Ion Update 2.1.0 destroying Chroma Q intensity curves??

    I should also mention that adding an IES Square curve helped reduce the steppiness at low levels by about 50% (still unacceptable though) but of course, that's not the curve I want :-/
  2. J

    Control/Dimming Ion Update 2.1.0 destroying Chroma Q intensity curves??

    Hey Hans. It seems to be most offensive/noticeable in fades from 0% intensity to about 30% Every fade in this particular show is at least 5 seconds. Some are 2 mins. I notice it in both the 5 second and the 2 min fades. All of them. As I said, this never happened before in my experience...
  3. J

    Control/Dimming Ion Update 2.1.0 destroying Chroma Q intensity curves??

    I'm working on a show that relies heavily on my favorite unit, the Chroma Q strips, for some very subtle cyc lighting with long up fade times. I've been using these units in various venues for a couple years now and this is the first time I am getting a VERY steppy intensity curve up from 0% to...
  4. J

    Back/Down Lighting with Color Force 48" Ever done it?

    Thanks for the reply Jonathan. Lots of good info there. Sounds like I may be able to make this work. I've arranged an hour in the venue tomorrow with the house electrician to play with them on a Lineset at trim and see for myself. I appreciate the idea of keeping them a little closer to...
  5. J

    Back/Down Lighting with Color Force 48" Ever done it?

    Hey All, I'm thinking about trying to use some Chroma Q Color Force 48's as a backlight system for an opera. (Because they are new in this venue's inventory and there is only one night cyc in all three hours of the opera -- The rest is interior scenes) I've used the units extensively as cyc...
  6. J

    Senior Technicians/Stagehands and Harness Use

    I started reading this thread from the beginning an hour ago and had to jump many pages from July '07 to now. Interesting how this keeps going on. Anyway, my question is this: If I'm focusing an electric overstage at 30' in a personal lift with 4 outriggers installed, and I clip my harness...
  7. J

    Control/Dimming To scene, or not too scene; alas poor Express...

    I find it a little disappointing that there are designers out there that feel they can never expect to work with a GrandMA or a HOG. To those who do feel this way, I suggest you take advantage of the many product demos offered around the country on a regular basis for both of these consoles...
  8. J

    Heyco Strain Reliefs

    I know this is late, but I bought one back in '95 and just today realized that same tool was still doing it's job in the theater I bought it for 13 years ago. It fixed at least one unit for my focus this afternoon. Let's hear it for the Heyco Tool!!
  9. J

    DVD's (Suggestions)

    Grammar Huh? Just joshing ya, but there are a few mistakes here! Moreover, You make the most valid point yet on this thread. Agreed! jb
  10. J

    Conventional Fixtures Do you use a fixture's "integral safety attachment point"?

    Hello all. I'm new here as of tonight but I couldn't pass this one up. I worked in a venue 15 years ago with about 50 EC Parellispheres and had an interesting experience. We safetied the units via the yoke usually, but my boss was in the Upright lift hanging a unit and it was yet to be...