Recent content by LightStud

  1. Board Tape

    Paper Artists Tape, remotely similar to masking tape, used to label channels, faders, buttons, on a lighting, sound, or video console.
  2. ELTS

    Emergency Lighting Transfer System. A Listed device that transfers a branch circuit from the output of a dimmer to a constant emergency power source in the event of an emergency power outage. Sometimes referred to as a BATS or Branch Circuit Automatic...
  3. LightStud

    Any idea what EDI named this model?

    Since you couldn't be bothered to take the time to respond, reply, or even acknowledge the fine answers to your one previous question , why should anyone help you with this one...
  4. LightStud

    Conventional Fixtures Strand SL Coolbeams

    So Strand-Selecon / your dealer is charging $75 for a $20 B&W socket, two 10¢ screws, and a 95¢ piece of aluminum. All permanently attached, either intentionally by design or due to the fusing of dissimilar metals during heating cooling cycles. Imagine my surprise. Some might say you should...
  5. LightStud

    Trouble with older crew members

    Is that what it says on your (or his) ETCP card? Seriously, an ETCP-certification could help change some people's perceptions of your skills and qualifications.You have two strikes against you, your age and your gender. Time will cure the former, and possibly the latter as well. Do you do...
  6. LightStud

    Automated Fixtures Hanging moving lights with c-clamps

    Speaking of terminology, never heard of "gravity clamp." Do you mean trigger clamp? A mega-clamp is actually smaller than an Altman or ETC c-clamp.Mega-Clamp and Mega-Claw are two very different things.And for the record, there's nothing inherently wrong with using any c-clamp to hang a...
  7. LightStud

    Automated Fixtures Hanging moving lights with c-clamps

    Do you people have a clue what you're talking about?
  8. LightStud

    General Questions for LDs

    Anyone who makes his living in the industry can be considered a "good" or at least successful, Lighting Designer. On the other hand last week at the local community theatre I saw an excellent lighting design. The designer received no compensation other than his name in the program. He works...
  9. LightStud

    How many Smartpack wall mount racks can I LAN together

    It's like discussing evolution or climate change with a Republican.
  10. LightStud

    Lamp Train Traveling as Iris Opens and Closes

    Had you ever operated one of these fixtures before maintaining it, you'd know what was happening.This was widely touted as a "feature" of many early Lycian followspots (1980s, not 70s). In particular, the SuperArc350 and SuperArc400 series. The advertising for these fixtures stated "Intensity...
  11. LightStud

    DMX protocol

    I wonder if Jules Fisher, Don Holder, Roy Bennett, Abigail Rosen Holmes, Kevin Adams, et al would be so bold as to make a statement like that?Since you felt $40 for the published standard was too much, I doubt you'll like $46 for Practical DMX, by Nick Mobsby, but it's a good book nonetheless...
  12. LightStud

    Chain Hoists as permanent install?

    By "off balance," I'm assuming the poster means "out of trim" (not level). This is particularly bad advice, as all electric chain hoists will vary slightly in speed due to power cable length (voltage drop) and weight of load supported. One will always need to "up a bump"/"down a bump"...
  13. LightStud

    video solution for a bad space

    Sorry, even $20,000 broadcast cameras don't (usually) provide that.
  14. LightStud


    This is contrary to my experience. Most IA locals recognize they can only provide full-time, gainful employment to a small portion of their members. For the others, they permit, and possibly even encourage, members to work anywhere they can, as 1) it takes a job away from a non-union worker...
  15. LightStud

    C5 or not C5?

    Sorry, 100% wrong. Color is determined by phase to phase voltage, not amperage. See IEC 60309:Characteristic Colour 20 V – 25 V Purple 40 V – 50 V White 100 V – 130 V Yellow 200 V – 250 V Blue 380 V – 480 V Red 500 V – 690 V Black > 60 Hz – 500 Hz Green None of the...