Recent content by PhantomBialystock

  1. P

    Tips For Using a Spotlight

    Thanks everyone! I actually found a piece of tape that was a good indicator, and I'm doing much better. Not perfect, but certainly a lot better.
  2. P

    Tips For Using a Spotlight

    There's no window. . ..
  3. P

    Hello All

    Yup, as in Bialystock and Bloom. :) Glad someone got the reference.
  4. P

    Tips For Using a Spotlight

    Tips For Using a Follow SpotI'm doing spotlight for a show, and while I'm pretty good with a lot of the concepts, I'm still shaky on getting the spotlight to go to the right place when I pull back the shutters. A lot of times I get close, but I miss by an inch or two, and it has become quite...
  5. P

    Completely Confused About College Admissions and Portfolios

    Hey there!I searched the site, but couldn't really find an exact answer for my question . . .I'm currently a high school sophomore, and in school we've had to do college searches. I know that I want to go into technical theatre - I've always been in love with theatre, especially the...
  6. P

    Hello All

    Hey there! :) My name's PhantomBialystock (or just PB for short, it's been my user name for years). I'm a student interested in lighting design. And that is all. :D