Recent content by robnguyen

  1. R

    ETC Express LCD compatibility

    I am attempting to help my school price out costs for an ETC Express 48/96 control board. I noticed on the board's infosheet that it has what looks like an older VGA pin connector for the display. Is this compatible with an LCD monitor, or is any sort of adapter hardware needed? (I...
  2. R

    Sharktooth Scrim & Cyc lights

    Thanks very much for your reply. The effect in you mentioned in the second paragraph sounds very interesting, as well. My concern with using the cyc light was that it may spill too far upstage of the scrim and illuminate the area behind, as the cyc light is built to illuminate such a broad...
  3. R

    Sharktooth Scrim & Cyc lights

    As many of us may be, my school's theater has rather limited budget/facilities. We are looking into purchasing a backdrop-sized scrim for our show. While we would do alright for this particular show with a plain opaque background, we would be glad to use the opportunity to purchase a sharktooth...
  4. R

    Questions on day/evening & shadows

    I'm working on lighting design in a small blackbox theater (22' x 12' stage), and am lighting a play that is a realistic outdoor setting, with morning, late afternoon, and late evening lighting states. A problem I've run unto in the narrow space is that when lighting acting areas with the...
  5. R

    Lighting books

    I just started doing some work in lighting design at my school this past year, and having gone through a number of books at our library, two still stand out as the most useful for the beginner: The Stage Lighting Handbook, by Francis Reid and A Method of Lighting the Stage, by Stanley...
  6. R

    Downlight color preferences

    I've actually just gotten involved & interested in lighting design over the past few months, and am presently working in a small black box space. We're putting on a playwrights festival that requires a fairly flexible/non specific lighting plot (each show is fairly different in tone and...