Recent content by Smicks

  1. S

    Pronouncing Chauvet

    I say "Shaw-vey"
  2. S

    Control/Dimming Help me pick a console!

    Does anybody know the MSRP on any configuration of the ETC Eos console? Maybe I'm blind, but I've searched all over and have come up empty handed...
  3. S

    What would you use a Maxim/MP or ETC Smartfade ML ?

    No matter what the situation, I would always recommend an ETC board. The products are reliable, can do advanced things while being able to offer fairly simple controls for the less experienced.I've run shows involving quite a few PARs, and multi-parameter fixtures such as LEDs on the SmartFade...
  4. S

    Elation Octo Strip II?

    Hi everybody, I've been looking at Elation's Octo Strip II. I was impressed with its color mixing capabilities (according to Elation's own photos and videos, anyway), as opposed to a similar fixture that I work with and am less than satisfied with, the Chauvet ColorStrip.My question is, has...
  5. S

    What is your favorite button on any lighting console?

    ETC SmartFade's "Magic" button. Sets a random level on all active channels. I think they put it there just so they had another button to take up space on the little consoles. It'll produce some of the most disgusting looks that you can ever imagine.
  6. S

    What makes you go OOOOOOO WOW when you see a lighting console

    Plenty of screen space for all the data that I'd need at any given time, numerous faders for masters or quick access to conventional fixtures and intensities, as well as a fully-dedicated moving light section. Physically, I don't care if it looked like absolute crap, as long as it gets the job done!
  7. S

    Anyone got any input or comments about the Chauvet Diamond strip?

    I can't say anything about that specific Chauvet product, but I have (and still do) work with Chauvet's Colorstrips and LEDsplash 200Bs. (The diamond strip is more or less exactly the same as the colorstrip, but with all white leds) The quality and integrity of those products is questionable...