Recent content by tylerrowsell

  1. T

    Control/Dimming Chauvet DMX

    that sounds like it may help because it is something i have not tried yet :D i will test this tomorrow... by any chance do you know what mode it should be in? also what is a scene?
  2. T

    Control/Dimming Chauvet DMX

    yah i have tried different faders and stuff and clearing the board sorta but the manuel is very poor so it is hard to know if i am clearing the board or not... i can feel that im close but just don't know how close haha thanks
  3. T

    Control/Dimming Chauvet DMX

    im not sure on product numbers but i can give you the links to the product Products Stage Designer? 24 | | CHAUVET® Lighting Products DMX-4 Dimmer/Relay Pack | | CHAUVET® Lighting
  4. T

    Control/Dimming Chauvet DMX

    Does anyone have any knowledge in these products because i can not seem to get it too work properly... i set the 4-channel dimmer/relayer to A001 which im assuming means the dmx channel because it can go from 1-512 then i choose the CH-04 which according to the manual means that channels 1-4...
  5. T

    Control/Dimming Chauvet DMX

    No they are not led they are just normal lights.... that helps i will try this im not sure when it is on or off dimmer so that is something i will just have to figure out becuase you can set it either way thanks again
  6. T

    Control/Dimming Chauvet DMX

    That surprisingly makes a lot of sense... but it does not get me any further in my problem... i think my controller just outputs the 1-512 and then the dimmer/relayer accept i sorta figured it out like i choose dmx then i choose a number between 1 512 (but it only allows up to 24 because that...
  7. T

    Control/Dimming Chauvet DMX

    Hi im very new to all lighting dimming etc... recenetly i have found 4 chauvet can lights... a 4-channel dmx chase/relay controller and a stage designer 24 in the school that are not being used... i have no clue how to use any of it... ive plugged in the stage designer to the control pack...