Audience Call Bell Generator?

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Hi all!

My last thread got deleted as it was to similar to another. Perhaps I did not make it clear what I was asking for, let me try again :)

I am looking for a box which will generate audience recall chimes. I want it to have an audio output which I could connect to our paging amp. I essentially want to be able to press a button to generate a single chime, press one to begin a continuous chime and press another to cancel the continuous chime. I also need to be able to run an external trigger for this box, so it could be operated from the foyer as well as the booth (where the amp is).

I have found things like this which I think would do the job:

But it is very expensive, just wondering if there is a lower cost option.

Our building is very well wired, so patching a connection for the remote trigger will not be an issue.
And since it has been merged, let's continue the discussion there.
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