Broken Flourescent lamps


Active Member
We have about 20 4' T8 tubes in a show. I am concerned about finding the right thing to do in case of breakage. What? Me worry? It just could be about the 6 basketballs on stage!

I am aware of mercury vapor danger plus toxic materials to be addressed. These all have RoscoSleeves for coloring which is a clear sleeve with end-caps that contain the lamp. The sleeves may or may not help contain 'stuff'. Maybe there is a distinction between fracture vs catastrophic breakage.

Are concerns any different in a theatre space vs in a small room at office or home? Would Hg vapor be dispersed within a certain sq footage? I would think something smaller than the space but is there a definable line?

I am looking around and seeing recommendations. It's the twist of being in performance for the public and trying to plan appropriate response.

Thanks for any input.

edit title: LAMPS. oy. amps.
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You can buy a safety sleeve for a regular T8 lamp, or you can buy Shat-R-Shield lamps that already come coated with a material to contain the breakage of the lamp.
Thanks for looking around derekleffew, two of those were new to me and helpful. Looks like pretty consistent recommendations for what to do from everyone.

Thanks again

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