CD Deck w/ Auto-Pause, Auto-Stop, Auto-Cue, etc?


Hi gang,

Never thought I'd be posting a question about a CD deck anymore. I haven't purchased one in over a decade. My 20 yo Denon still works great. But I need one for the playhouse. Dance companies and renters are requesting CD playback...

So, requirements: rackmount, balanced outs and the ability to automatically pause after each track and cue the beginning of the next track. Not sure what this feature is called anymore; auto-pause, auto-cue, auto-stop, auto-ready?

I've downloaded the manuals for six different decks. They're not very helpful. Some mention a feature but don't explain what it does.

I don't need recording capabilities, MP3 compatibility, most of the DJ features, etc. QLab handles most of the duties here.

Any suggestions?

Just curious - why don't you quickly just rip their CD and use your Qlab?

Good question... Sometimes, I have the time to do just that. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes the renter wants one of their people to run playback. Sometimes the renter brings their own playback equipment (our QLab system is an additional cost) and I suggest they bring a CD as a back-up.

The CD deck will be included in the basic rental package. If I'm going to install one, it might as well do what I want it to do...

Thanks for everyone's replies!


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