Codes and standards


Well-Known Member
From time to time, the question of why all codes and standards which are adopted into law are not free arises here. One entity has decided to do it on their own, making copyrighted documents available for free on the internet. Predictably, at least several Standards Developer Organizations - NFPA, ASTM, and ASHRAE - have filed a law suit to stop them. Personally I side with the SDOs, as I find the non-governmental voluntary codes and standards to be much, MUCH, preferable to government mandate and promulgated codes and standards. Here is a link to one view. It does of course provide enough info that you can find and download a number of codes and standards. Please consider the concepts before you download. The long term result - the elimination of voluntary standards - would be quite detrimental to safety. Media Statement
I don't feel there's any need to argue why private sector SDO's are important. We need em' to make standards that are specific to our industry and if they're going to stay in business they need people like us to buy their standards (can you imagine trying to explain to your congressman why you might need to use an open flame within a few feet of a performer). It's a pain that it cost around $200 find the answer to your questions about proper fall arrest, but that's the world we live in.

As a side note the offending website has a terrible design, and their message is really preachy and not very well grounded. I wouldn't mind seeing them go away.

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