Does your theatre do this?

Our theatre charges a $1 facility fee per ticket. This money is used for maintenance on the building and equipment, emergency repairs, and scheduled cleanings such as the main drape, carpets etc every few years.
Just to be clear, I understand the funding dilemna faced by many arts programs especially in the current economic conditions and appreciate people being proactive and creative in addressing it. I am really trying to express that at a time when many people are already struggling to pay the taxes that support the schools and to still make ends meet, increased ticket prices or add-on charges for school events may not be well received. And probably even less well received if not clear up front.
Just to be clear, I understand the funding dilemna faced by many arts programs especially in the current economic conditions and appreciate people being proactive and creative in addressing it. I am really trying to express that at a time when many people are already struggling to pay the taxes that support the schools and to still make ends meet, increased ticket prices or add-on charges for school events may not be well received. And probably even less well received if not clear up front.

Well taken and makes a lot of sense. I agree that any fees or add-ons need to be thoroughly discussed and planned; but more importantly, they need to be clearly disclosed. To be fair, taxes are (obviously) required. Purchasing tickets to see a musical or any other entertainment event is optional. I think it's fair to say this is one topic people can agree to disagree on.
Our area schools all rent their theatres. The problem is the money goes to the general fund not to the school. I once went in to see about giving them a copntract to maintain all of the theatres because they were in horrible shape. The guy in charge said there was no need because they went in every summer and relamped everything. The bad part is the regular renters have to maintain their own lamp stock to have enough instruments to do a show. They come in and lamp house instruments and take them back out after the rental. If part of the money stayed at the school they could fix their own stuff.

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