Hello from Sweden


Hello everyone!

I'm new on CB and thaught I'd give you a short presentation.
I live in the city of Kalmar on the south east coast of Sweden.

I run a company together with my brother active within the area of sound-, light- and event business. We do everything from pure rental solutions to complete installations including project management for sound, light and other media applications. Our main business over the year is live gigs like concerts, theatre etc.

I hope to find a lot of tips and knowledge in this community and maybe I can contribute with some of my knowledge too ;)

Have a nice day!

All the best,
Hi Christian,

Welcome to the ControlBooth!

Please ask all the questions you like, and we'll do our best to answer them (guidlines can be found here).

Please also check out the Glossary and remember, the Search feature is your friend. ;)

We all look forward to hearing stories about you and your brother, too. :grin:

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