hello to everybody! i'm new..


hi everybody!

my name is corvas. I am an installation artist, musician, and graphic designer. I have lucked my way into a job as technical director of a small theater / theater company and am more or less clueless. fortunately technical stuff sticks to my brain wonderfully. much better than dates or names.

anyway. i look forward to exploring the world of multimedia performance. I am especially interested in:
- utilizing dmx, ethernet, midi and other protocols to build custom interactive multimedia set designs / installations
- approaching light from the perspective of a musician - as a musical instrument.
- introducing live video processing and projection into the world of live theater (i'm sure it's been done but not at all around here...)
- building interactive systems that modulate parameters of various audio effects processors/ lighting / video effects mixers (as in midi dancers)

anybody have any recommended threads that will help get me started here?

Welcome Corvas! Be sure to check out the Wiki, and use the search function. There is a lot of great info here. Let us know how we can help you. Enjoy CB!


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