'Mission Statements'

For our theatre dept, i've been working on some form of "Risk to Achieve" or something like that. just to make student actors step it up. and maybe translate it to latin just be all pretentious.
though, in the tech shop, i've always enjoyed (and employed) the old adage: "Fast, Good, Cheap - Pick two"
and for my students: "Theatre, Social Life, Sleep, Homework - Pick two"

btw, about t-shirts: my favorite was one i wore every friday during football season in high school as a band geek. "The football team will be playing before and after tonight's featured halftime performance of the marching band."
Sometimes a customer will provide detailed written instructions for a set-up but will not arrive till later in the day. Wedding receptions are usually like this. So we will follow the instructions carefully, getting everything right. Then when the customer finally arrives they will change almost everything despite the fact that it was done correctly the first time. So we are frequently saying . . .

"You have to set it up, so they can see what to change".
As a lighting person, I usually go by the four Ps of lighting: "Producers Prefer Pretty Photographs."
Otherwise, the six Ps of tech: "Piss Poor Planning Prevents Positive Performance."

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