Moving head Suggestions


Active Member

I'm looking for some moving head suggestions for my Thearte's future production of the King and I.

For this some, I'm looking for a 575 mover(or a fixture that uses philips's new 300w lamp) that is $3,000 and under, and it still has to have beam control(iris, frost, and zoom lense), Two gobo wheels, One to two color wheels, or CYM color mixing.

If you're looking to buy, I would look at Elation Design Spot 575E units or possible Source Four Revolutions with the proper added modules although they would probably end up slightly out of your budget. If you are planning to rent, then it sort of depends on what types of units are available locally but in my area I would have my choice of the Design Spot 575E or Mac 700 Profile units.
If you are going to rent, I second the suggestion of the Mac 700 Profile units - I've used them for two separate runs and they are, in my experience, incredibly reliable, and an awesome fixture.
You've got the Knoxville branch of Bandit right in your backyard, you should probably just rent some VL2500s and call it a day.

Its great that you want to jump into purchasing moving lights, but have you thought about the long term costs including moving light repair, lamps and general maintenance on them? You seems to want the world out of your light, and for under three grand I think you will be disappointed with what you can purchase.

Perhaps a Robe fixture might be in your price range?

I'm looking for some moving head suggestions for my Thearte's future production of the King and I.

For this some, I'm looking for a 575 mover(or a fixture that uses philips's new 300w lamp) that is $3,000 and under, and it still has to have beam control(iris, frost, and zoom lense), Two gobo wheels, One to two color wheels, or CYM color mixing.


Why do you want a fixture that uses that particular lamp? Unless you are already using fixtures that take that lamp, it seems that it would be more important to meet the criteria of what effects you are trying to create before you concern yourself with the lamp. Beyond that, the suggestions that have been made are sound. Make sure you account for the cost of ownership of fixtures if you intend to purchase them, if you don't feel comfortable or qualified to service these fixtures yourself, you have to make sure that you have the budget for professional service.
I have to agree. Looking for a lamp instead of a set of features seems backwards to me. And of course, renting seems to be more economical in many cases, but I don't know your venue, etc. Maybe you can rent them to others when you're not using them. The general trouble with moving lights is that the technology improves pretty quickly, so it's difficult to get your investment back unless they are either commanding a high price or being used a lot or have a long shelf life, such as the old Cyberlights. Financially depreciated to nothing but a lot of people still use them.
i was wondering what the general cost of renting a mover was. i know it is different everywhere and by type. my school has never rented any lights nor do i see us doing it either. i guess im just wondering how much money do you save by renting.

Around Chicago, rental of an Elation DesignSpot 250 can be had for about $50 - $75 for the weekend. A 575watt lamp is around $125 - $175 for the same time period. The big savings comes from not owning or using them. If you only have them out for 4 - 5 shows a year, such as a high school production, then renting is far more economical. But if you need them 50 weeks a year and are also spending time going to and from the rental place, etc., it probably makes more sense to own.

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