Pls send me your HOG 4 Beam 230 profiles


Active Member
I have 1 light (Chinese 230Beam) that no matter what I try will not light up using our Hog 4. I've tried the fixture editor a few times, the other guy has tried the fixture editor a couple of times. HES has sent the profile to me twice and the stupid light just sits up in the rig and laughs. All of it's friends work just fine on their CP Sharpy profiles, but not this hold out.

Mind you the light works just fine using our Lightshark and a ADJ MyDMX3.

I've tried every 16ch mover in the fixture library w/o any success. Any help (besides, you get what you pay for) before this light accidentally takes a fall from the truss to the floor would be appreciated.

Maybe a link to the great Chinese 230beam repository of profiles or something.

I think we have some 230 in our rental inventory but use Grand MA without problems. IIRC my LD wrote the profiles... but those won't help you.

What else changes besides the console? Any difference in cabling, DMX distribution, or power?
What else changes besides the console? Any difference in cabling, DMX distribution, or power?

We have an a/b switch with the3 Lightshark on the A side and the Hog on the B side. I can turn all of them on when the switch is on the A side. When I switch to the B side the fixture in question goes dark, every time. Nothing else changes. I've tried bypassing the switch, the light still laughs at me.
I mean.. if it works with a different console, the fixture is fine. It must be some weird thing in the console. Is it patched right? Are those channels parked out or something?
Can you patch in just plain dimmers without a profile at its address(es) and get it to respond that way?

Good question, seeing thats it's a brand new install I hadn't thought of that. I'll try a dimmer tmrw. Before an accident happens.

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