Q-Lab MSC Issue

Greetings. I am running Q-Lab v1.3.5 on a Mac G5 running OS X 10.4. I am using a number of MSC sends to the Ion console in the light booth. I have the license to create the MSC commands with no issues. The Mac is using a MOTU 828 mk3 and an Ultralite for output (they are combined as an aggregate audio device). The midi is being outputted through the 828 mk3.

After creating the MSC cue, on both a regular cue fire and a test message, the Ion receives the message and triggers the cue, no problems. We're able to do this with several successive cues.

However, when we close Qlab or reboot the computer, all the MSC cues have the dreaded red X, and will not send. The only solution is to recreate each MSC cue, which fire perfectly fine after being recreated.

I've never encountered this before with MSC, any thoughts?
Have you checked the MSC patch? I feel that if you change it in the QLab preferences and not in the workspace preferences then your problem should be solved.

Doing this from memory so don´t hurt me if I´m wrong1

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