The New Guy

Indeed, I am the new guy. Im Steve from New York. Now more about me.

I went to school for Music Business & Audio Arts. I finally left my 'extended summer job' as a paper pusher in an office, moved out of my childhood home, to pursue my dream of fame and fortune of an audio engineer. After a month of endless phone calls and emails searching for a position of said fame and fortune, I finally landed a position, thus finally making me a professional. I am a sound designer. Mom was proud.

Anyway, I have been in musicals in high school, played in some shows in the pit at college, and was a tech at a stunt show at a theme park. I have also ran some sound for some stages and post sfx for some video clips. But not much live sound.

So here I am. Trying to move my mainly music and recording background to design and sound reinforcement. So you will be seeing me roaming around, trying to absorb as much as I am, and probably asking some dumb questions. So sorry in advance.


Apology Accepted. Welcome to CB !

I'll send you my Paypal account number for "dues" and "association fees" and "registration processing" and anything else a Home Owner's Association might imagine. :)

Wait, we don't do that here?
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I assume you've found some of the more sound reinforcement specific forums like PSW as well? Those will also be good resources for you though they tend not to be as friendly as control booth.
If you haven't checked out the two most popular live sound forums here they are:
Pro Sound Web
PSW was founded as part of EAW and has gone throught a number of changes since those early days. Some very good articles (they do recycle older ones with new dates) and cater to both the pro and weekend warrior sound people. One of their changes managed to alienate some long time posters, so another forum was started:
Sound Forums Network - The Front Page
Both forums are for professional people and require that you sign up and post with your real name, should you share a name with someone famous, you might catch some flack. The best thing to do at either forum, is read,read and read some more, most questions have been asked and answered time after time. It's amazing what you can assimilate by doing that. Then, start asking questions.

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