Automated Fixtures Full Walkthrough of FreeStyler DMX with a BCF2000


Premium Member
Hi guys and gals, this is my attempt to document the FreeStyler512 program with my primary setup so that anyone can benefit from my trials and tribulations. This will probably be multiple parts, so stay tuned for more!

The point here isn't really to cover the basics like patching a fixture or how to use DMX, nor should you view it as a technical manual to program an important show by. FreeStyler is great, but if you need real reliability you'll need to look elsewhere. On the other hand, if you're throwing together a light rig for a band that plays bar gigs or you're doing a relatively simple club install, this is for you. This is more of a hitchhikers guide to FreeStyler that should get an individual up and running with a decent cue library and plenty of flexibility for small to medium sized live performances which is really where this software shines anyways.

This first post is heavily geared towards the Behringer BCF2000 I use, but I promise the rest of them will focus on the software. The layout of my control surface heavily influenced my FreeStyler setup.

Some background: I have a small portable lighting rig that I use at various festivals, bars, clubs and other events. Before FreeStyler, I used an Elation Operator Pro. I also tried Chamsys MagicQ, but the combination of them dropping support for my opendmx dongle and the lack of a wing made me look for other options.

Now, I have used FreeStyler many times incorrectly. It's really easy to add a couple fixtures and try to use the fixture windows during a show in a pinch, but the real power of this setup is the combination of submasters or cuelists, and override buttons.

Equipment Involved:
  • FreeStyler512 - Version 3.5.5
  • Behringer BCF2000
  • Enttec OpenDMX
Note that any DMX output device may be used without changing the tutorial, I just happen to use an OpenDMX.

I also use Midi-OX, Midi Yoke and rtpMIDI for Windows to route MIDI signals to and from various computers and programs. Instead, this tutorial illustrates connecting the BCF directly to FreeStyler

BCF physical layout:

The first encoder is broken on my BCF. (It's taped to the back of the unit, actually.)
There are 5 presets installed to the BCF. They are:
Preset 1: FreeStyler Submasters 1-5
Preset 2: FreeStyler Submasters 6-10
Preset 3: Resolume Control (controls my video program, Resolume Avenue)
Preset 4: FreeStyler Manual Control
Preset 5: FreeStyler Manual Control + Sequence Recording Buttons


The first two presets, FreeStyler Submasters [1-5]/[6-10] share the first three faders, and the first six buttons (labelled 'Override Buttons' above). These buttons will be Override Buttons in FreeStyler, and I usually set 3 Encoders 2 and 3 are turned off, as they are unused.

After the first 3 faders, the rest of the fader surface should be treated as vertical 'channel strips'. The encoder can either select the submaster cue or change the speed (function selection is on Encoder Group 1 & 2). The button below the encoder will toggle the Run/Stop state of the submaster. If a new submaster cue is selected via the encoder while the submaster is already running, pressing toggle will cause a fade to the new cue instead of stopping.

The button below the toggle button is the Bump button. Bump is configured in the BCF to use the same CC# as the fader below it, plus set to toggle-on. See the following truth table below for an explanation:
When the submaster fader is 0% to 49%, BUMP will snap the fader to 100%.
When the submaster fader is 50% to 100%, BUMP will snap the fader to 0%.

I find that I like to use the BUMP buttons to start and stop sequences, and the TOGGLE buttons to change sequences.

Here is a screenshot of my main window:

I'm about halfway done building my cue library, and I'm going to finish while I write the rest of these posts.
For some reference, here is the relation to the BCF:
Encoders 1,2,3 Off
Group 1 -Encoders 4,5,6,7,8 Choose the submaster sequence (the blue highlighted list item)
Group 2 -Encoders 4,5,6,7,8 Change the speed of the submaster sequence (not pictured)
Fader 1 - Master Intensity/Grand Master (Not Pictured)
Fader 2 - Master Speed (Not Pictured)
Fader 3 - DMX400/PAR Intensity (Not Pictured)
Fader 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Submaster intensity (Intensity Faders next to each list)

OverrideButtons 1-6 are mapped in a similar shape at the top left of the override button window.
TOGGLE will activate (change the list background to light blue) or deactivate (change to white) the submaster.
Raising the fader above 0% will also activate the Submaster (if this option is enabled in the submaster window). This also applies to the BUMP button.

So, on the BCF preset 1 would control the master faders and subs 1-5 (top row)
and preset 2 would control the same master faders and subs 6-10 (bottom row)

The override buttons window is mapped similar to the physical layout of the buttons available on the BCF (that are not used for submaster control)

Attached you can find the BCF2000 syx file. You can use Bome's SendSX to transmit this file to your BCF. Transmitting this file will DELETE ALL PRESETS on your BCF!

I have not found a way to export my MIDI configuration from FreeStyler so you good people can use that as well, but when I do I'll post it in this thread. In my next post I'll discuss the initial patching, creating sequences and compiling cues into submasters.

So like I said, this isn't really a beginner tutorial about patching but I'd like to share some insight into the FreeStyler system. Using the Setup -> Add/Remove fixtures menu, you're presented with the following window.

I always open the Fixture Creator and open each individual fixture file I intend to use. Go to the Channel Description tab and set sensible values for both the Default Value (when FreeStyler starts, this value will be set if there are no 'Startup Values' defined) and the Locate Value (you can right click a fixture and toggle Locate mode). You should edit your fixture files and make them 'perfect' before you add these fixtures into FreeStyler. I also recommend that if you change a fixture file, remove the fixture from FreeStyler and re-patch the fixture in the same place (if it's the same number of channels).


You can patch your fixtures in any order you prefer, but you should note that when FX are generated using the sequence creator they will always be generated in order of patching. If you look at my patch list, you can see I have a Chauvet Omega, then a HES Trackspot, then two Chauvet omegas, then a HES Trackspot, then a Chauvet Omega. I have patched in this order because this is the order they are placed on stage. 128 is a good 'home' value for movers pan/tilt functions but you're welcome to set whatever you'd like.

If your fixture has a 'control' channel that must be set to a specific value to enable a mode of operation, here is where you would set that. My Chauvet ColorPalette requires that Channel 1 (Mode) be set to 67 to enable the use of the entire LED as a single RGB fixture. You can also see that when the fixture is set to Locate mode, the RGB values will be set to white.

Special Note: FreeStyler supports fixtures with up to 8 RGB segments, but the FX generator does not. Until this feature is improved, you should not use the 'RGB Segments' feature in the Fixture Creator or FreeStyler. It is recommended that you create multiple fixture files, one for each RGB segment to allow proper FX to be generated.

To Save Special Values: In the FreeStyler software (preferably with no Cues, Submasters, Cuelists or Override Buttons active) manually set each value for each fixture then right click on the background and choose 'Save as Favorite', 'Save as startup values' or 'Save as shutdown values' to save the current DMX output for later use. The favorite values will be applied when you click the Star icon on the toolbar, the startup and shutdown values will be applied on startup/shutdown. Some devices (such as my opendmx) require the pc to generate the values and buffer, and the shutdown values will not be sent after FreeStyler quits. This can be remedied by using an Enttec DMX Pro instead (I believe).

My next post will be 'Creating a Sequence'.
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Creating a Sequence
Click the New Sequence button on the toolbar to open the Sequence Editor and create a new sequence.

Special Note: When [(A) any cue is running (B) the Cue window is open or (C) the Submaster window is open] the Sequence Editor changes to OFFLINE MODE. When the Sequence Editor is in OFFLINE MODE, changes to fixtures from the fixture windows and the faders on the right side are stored in the sequence step however they are not sent to the DMX output. This allows you to program sequences in 'Blind' mode. When this criteria is not met, programming a sequence will happen live and the data you are changing will be sent immediately to the fixtures. I find it useful to manually set all fixture to white, disable all cues, and program Strobes 'live' (not in OFFLINE MODE) however most other features can be programmed in Blind/OFFLINE mode.

A sequence is composed of one or more steps. You can set individual step Speed and Fade times, or toggle the button for a global Speed/Fade. Adding a step will copy the last step to a new last step. Inserting a step will copy the current step and insert after the current step.

When editing a channel value in a step, the channel can be set to either 'Snap' or 'Fade'.

This is what each channel modifier means:
If you intend to edit the same feature (RGB Mix, Color Wheel) with multiple fixtures of different types selected, always use the fixture windows instead of the right side faders, as the right side faders may be buggy on different types of fixtures. Specifically, they follow the order of the first fixture selected, so if device one has RGB on 1,2,3 and device two has RGB on 3,4,5 then they will only update correctly if you use the Colors window (pictured above.)

When recording sequences for submasters it is important to record only values for the same feature of an intelligent light on a single submaster. Try to separate the Color, Gobo, Color Mixing, Pan/Tilt, etc into separate submasters.

Special Note: Override Buttons will only ever execute the first step in a sequence, and they will execute it as if each channel was set to 'SNAP'. At this time it is not possible to fade the Override Buttons.

FX Generator:
Click the FX button in the Sequence Editor to open the FX Generator.

This will open the following window:

You can select the type of FX to be generated in the first drop down menu, and the attribute value to set on the second drop down. The 'Distribute Evenly' checkbox will spread the generated effect out over all of the selected fixtures. If this checkbox is disabled, each fixture will get the same value for each step. Note that some of the programs generate more steps than others, and the number of total steps may be affected by the total number of selected fixtures.

Moving fixtures can also use Beizer Curves in the form of FreeStyler Shapes as a playback function. A shape can be recorded as the pan/tilt movement function of a single step in a sequence. To record a Shape, go to the Beam window while editing a sequence. Press Shape and select an appropriate shape, then turn the shape 'ON'. Be sure to change the Pan and Tilt channels to Fade so the program is recorded into the sequence and save the sequence. Sequences using Shapes should only ever have one step that contains the Shape generated using the Beam window, with Pan and Tilt set to Fade.

It is important to note again that you should only record sequences for a single feature of a fixture. Essentially, you want organized building blocks that allow you to build a scene by specifying the color, shape, intensity, shutter settings of multiple fixtures by combining sequences using the submaster functionality.

Single step sequences are analogous to scenes and multiple step sequences are analogous to chases.

The only exception to this rule is that a single step sequence (scene) may contain a Shape for a moving fixture which will move indefinitely as long as that single step sequence is active.

The next post will explain how to combine sequences into cues, and cues into submasters.
Creating a Cue of Sequences to use as a Submaster.
After you have created some sequences that adjust a specific feature of a fixture, you can group together your 'building blocks' into a cue. Open the Cue window. Ensure you have no cues running or submasters active, and click the gear icon then choose 'Clear Cue'.

You can now use the folder icon to view your saved sequences, and drag-and-drop them into position on the cue window. Here you can see my folder structure, allowing me to neatly organize all of my sequences by type.

Here is a completed cue. The sequences in this cue will change all of my LEDs to specific colors at the same time. I keep this cue on Preset 1 on the BCF, and I use this as a sensible 'fallback' when I turn off other more dynamic LED submasters (I know, I know, magenta != purple.) At this time, you should set the initial speed on the left and other features of the sequence by using the icons on the right side. When your sequence is loaded by a submaster, it will copy the settings you configure here.

After you've created a cue, you can save it as a cue file. Click the Save (Save with lightning bolt) or Save As (save without bolt) to open the Save Cue window. I have created folders for Cuelists and Submasters to keep them separate, as they are logically different in their function.

Submaster window:

LTP and HTP Submasters:
In the submaster window, you should click the gear icon and choose 'RGB in LTP'. This option is slightly misleading. By default, all submasters are in Highest takes precedence mode. When you turn on RGB in LTP, any submaster with intensity channels will in HTP mode, however any other fixture features (such as color/gobo/pan/tilt/rgb mixing) will place the submaster into Latest takes precedence mode, LTP. This allows you to stack submasters on page 1 and 2. You can also define the layout of the submaster window in this menu. I have it set to 10 faders + lists. I also set 'Fader Start/Stop control' because when the fader returns to 0%, the submaster will stop and once it goes above 0% again the submaster will activate. This is quite useful functionality, but you may not want to use it that way.

To load a cue file that you created earlier into a submaster, click the folder icon in the toolbar and drag your cue file onto a submaster.

Some closing notes on how to edit all of these things after you create them:

Editing a submaster: After changing a cue file, you must right click on the submaster containing it and 'Remove Cue', then re-add the cue to the submaster window via the Open Cue dialog.

Editing a cue: Disactivate all submasters. Open cue window. Use the dropdown at the top left of the cue window to load a cue file.

Editing a sequence: From within a cue, right click on a sequence and click 'Edit Sequence'. From within FreeStyler in general, click the New Sequence icon and click the Load icon (folder with arrow pointing UP).

If you are having trouble manually controlling your lights, ensure that the Create Sequence window is not open. This window will receive all manual control data and refuse to pass it to the lights in OFFLINE MODE, however cues and submasters and Override Buttons will still run appropriately.

My next post will discuss Cuelists and Override Buttons.
Hey bud, I'm somewhat new to Freestyler aswell and am trying to get a good bunch of cues programmed to operate my moving heads, scanners and lasers.

I am also looking at buying the BCF2000 in the next couple days. In post 1 you mentioned you could not figure out how to export the MIDI configuration you have set in Freestyler.

This is how: In the Midi control setup window click options to the right, and Export. Save the file.

Hopefully you could post this for me as I'm looking to get my BCF2000 setup really soon for a gig March 1st

Similar to you, I operate an independant mobile DJ company mostly setting up in banquet halls. We specialize in 200-500 person electronic dance music events so we have some pretty powerful sound rigs and are trying to get our lighting rig looking impressive
Hi @Deezel85, I sure can! Thanks for showing me something new about Freestyler.

This is a map for Freestyler that should directly match the .syx file for the BCF2000 I posted earlier. You can import it by opening the midi window, clicking options, then Import.


  • FreeStyler MIDI
    524 bytes · Views: 539
What version of Freestyler are you running? Mine looks slightly different than yours but the functionally seems to be the same. Also, when using the shape generator, have you found a way to offset the fixtures so they don't all move to the same place at once? I thought of inverting the pan, but then I can't grab my scanners on the fly and use them to follow people. I don't think the fan settings did what I wanted.
From what I understand of that fan panel, it only sets a static, single step fan out.

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It doesn't affect sequences that were already recorded, shapes, or the fx generator in sequence creation

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I didn't think so. Do you know if they might be considering adding a phase control? I was on their forums and it didn't look like they were gonna change much.
For the record, my Freestyler version (that I used above) is 3.5.5

I also wish it was open source. The more I poke at the internals, the worse the sinking feeling in my stomach gets that the entire package is written in VB6.
So in regards to timecode, anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking set the cue list to computer time (or whatever it's actually called) and then I believe using task scheduler you can make a playlist play on Windows Media Center at a given time. The set the cues to the right time in the music, set the computer time to whenever you want your show to start and after a lot of work you can get a half decent show going (maybe fingers crossed).

You can't easily change the start time. Possibly with a 3rd party plugging?
Freestyler has to be restarted every time you want to do a show. It won't trigger time coded scenes if you trigger a mnual scene. At least it didn't when I was messing with it.

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