Audience Member Tries to Use Fake Outlet to Charge Phone

Cirque du Soleil: Ka has the best phone announcement. There is a lot of village life and acrobatic work going on during the pre-show. The stage deck is out of sight and there is only narrow walkway with fog and massive fire balls coming out of where you expect the stage should be. A character walks around the front of the stage and a phone rings. A guy in the front row is guilty. The character takes the phone and throws it into the "pit of fire". A big ball of fire comes up. The audience member complains and is ripped out of his seat and thrown in the pit of fire followed by a larger fireball.

It's fantastic!
I think MNicolai makes some good points. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to get non-traditional theatre audiences involved. I'd love to see theatre de-stuffify a bit. That said, my wife saw this show and had a miserable time because of some (literally) smelly and very loud people nearby. It's great that the show is attracting a wide audience, but perhaps a bit of usher training is needed to help everyone enjoy themselves.

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