Clearing Presets from Multi-Parameter Fixtures on the Eos


Active Member
Hello friends,

Back again with another Eos question: I'm looking for a way to over-ride presets for a multi-parameter fixture (VL1100) recorded into a cue without adding different manual information on top of it. An example: In cue 37 a VL is in Preset 32, but at an intensity of zero. I homed the fixture, which replaced the FCB information in the lower section of the tombstone with manual + signs, but left PR 32 sitting in the intensity window. There seemed to be nothing I can do, besides inputting a manual zero, to completely clear the preset from the intensity window of the channel while in the cue.

So I suppose my question is: Is there a way to, while in a cue with channels recorded to palettes and presets, over-write either individual palettes or overall presets in specific channels so that when I update the cue they will be stored without multi-parameter information.

Looking back over that sentence, it seems unnecessarily complicated, but I hope y'all understand. My heart tells me there must be a way to do this, but my heart's been wrong before.

Thanks in advance!
...when I update the cue they will be stored without multi-parameter information.

This is the phrase that is confusing me. Can you try to clarify what it is you want. Sounds like you just want absolute data and not reference data? Maybe only on some parameters? Again, I am not sure what you want, but I am pretty sure it is possible.

This is the phrase that is confusing me. Can you try to clarify what it is you want. Sounds like you just want absolute data and not reference data? Maybe only on some parameters? Again, I am not sure what you want, but I am pretty sure it is possible.


I agree with xander. Perhaps the most important question is: What data do you want to keep? It sounds like you do not want to keep the Preset reference, but are you looking to keep the values?
Sorry to be confusing. I just want to manually over-ride all the NPs.
Sorry to be confusing. I just want to manually over-ride all the NPs.

What do you define as "over-ride"?

  • Do you want the channel to keep the NPs from the Preset but not keep the reference to the Preset?
  • Do you want to set the NPs at a specific value?
  • Do you want to not record any of the NPs?
  • Do you not want to update any of the NPs?
  • Do you not want to record any of the NPs for a specific channel/range?
  • Do you not want to update any of the NPs for a specific channel/range?

All of the above questions are answered by a different command each. Again, it comes down to what you want the end result to be. If you can answer what you want the final result to be, we can help with the specifics on how to get there.

Also, If you are seeing the Channel View with only the intensity information and then the + signs below, it might be more beneficial to toggle your view by pressing [Format] to see Table View where you can see what data is being recalled and stored for each parameter.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that one thing that might be tripping you up here is that Presets also record intensity data. So in Channel View, you could still be seeing the reference to the Preset in the intensity field but not that the NPs have dropped their reference and gone to their home values. This is where Table View is very useful.
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Thanks starksk, I had forgotten that presets also record intensity, that'll be very helpful in future. As for my increasingly terrible explanation of my question: When I update the cue, I don't want any of the NPs stored (so, all at null).
Thanks starksk, I had forgotten that presets also record intensity, that'll be very helpful in future. As for my increasingly terrible explanation of my question: When I update the cue, I don't want any of the NPs stored (so, all at null).

Remember that a Preset is a Target, so yes the intensities get grabbed.

As question, do you want the NP's to be Null, as in homed ?, and still have the intensity as a value ?. That's what's confusing me as well as I'm not seeing the point in that.

You can use filters to selectively record only the desired attributes for the target (Cue or Preset).

And just as follow up, how did you resolve the Group issue you posted about the other day ?. Your solution would be useful to CB as a follow up.
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I'm figuring it out now, but I think the thing confusing me was that even after I homed the moving head, if I didn't change intensity the preset would still be present in the intensity window of the tombstone. That made me think that the fixture was still in the thrall of the preset, even if it was only referencing it until the cue was updated (and worse yet, it was frustrating my LD at the RVI). I don't think it was a problem so much as a lack of understanding, but thanks so much, fellas.

As for groups, the LD had originally told me he wanted to just say "Down Light" and have it come up, which is why I went the direct select route, but once we got into tech he started referring to groups by number, so the whole thing was unnecessary. But I've certainly taken the macro suggestion to heart, and have been programming macros as we go for frequently cited groups and commands (Group 700 Red @ 0 Green @ 0 Amber @ 0 is a common one). And to Michael, who commented on the Groups thread: thanks so much for the macro suggestions! I've been using many of them and they'll no doubt continue to be helpful for years to come.
I'm figuring it out now, but I think the thing confusing me was that even after I homed the moving head, if I didn't change intensity the preset would still be present in the intensity window of the tombstone. That made me think that the fixture was still in the thrall of the preset, even if it was only referencing it until the cue was updated (and worse yet, it was frustrating my LD at the RVI). I don't think it was a problem so much as a lack of understanding, but thanks so much, fellas.

It sounds like you resolved your problem, which is good because I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish :). As for the issue with the display - most programmers I know, including myself, like to use the Live Table view when dealing with multi-parameter devices. You can just hit [Format] while the Live tab is selected to switch it over. This lets you see every parameter individually, and gets rid of the misleading plus signs and preset labels in tombstone view.
Have you tried using {Make Absolute} to get the desired results? From your first post I'm not sure I fully understand what you're looking to achieve, but that command will take a unit that is in a Preset and give it manual data breaking the connection to the Preset.
I've discovered typing controlbooth messages in my five minute breaks between scenes makes for very confusing posts. Apologies to all. Nelakluwos, that's what I ended up doing.

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