Emergency Need help redesigning a show by tommorrow morning


Active Member
Show Birth and After Birth

Cartoonish feel. (Simpsonsish)
Front back and right and left sidelights for each focus area.

Any suggestions(color would be really helpful)?
Show Birth and After Birth
Cartoonish feel. (Simpsonsish)
Front back and right and left sidelights for each focus area.
Any suggestions(color would be really helpful)?

Can we get some more info on this first?

Firstly, why does it need a redesign? Why is it an emergency? What happened? If it really is an emergency and you have next-to no time, like it sounds, than I'd suggest just lighting every area with something warm R02. It's most important that you have lights in the air that you can use.

Just my thoughts...
Due to lack of communication with the director, the look I designed for the show is the complete opposite of what it needs to be. I just got to see rehearsal tonight because I had another show running when they were having rehearsals before thansgiving and today was the first one since.
Due to lack of communication with the director, the look I designed for the show is the complete opposite of what it needs to be. I just got to see rehearsal tonight because I had another show running when they were having rehearsals before thansgiving and today was the first one since.

Ahh, it's an artistic image gone awry!

Well, all I can suggest is that you pull an all nighter and work it out. You know the show, venue and other limiting factors best.

Or am I misunderstanding and the issue is more that you're unsure of how to create a cartoonish feel, and don't have enough time to properly research it and are looking for any techniques (such as color combinations) that will give the desired effect?
How opposite is opposite?

My advise is to just not let it happen again. because after all if this is a functional light design then hopefully no babies will die, if however you pull an all nighter and fall off a ladder, then it is possibly you will.

Sometimes bad light designs happen, but late night electrics under stress, just for concept...?

but otherwise, for me cartoon has always meant that I use an R10-18 range top light (low intensity) with a flat front wash, i like the look, maybe others dont but its worked for me. If possible a very subtle footlight can help even shaddow tones, since cartoons tend to lack shaddow. but thats my feelings, probably not possible at this point. good luck
Anything's possible. I've got to turn the paperwork over to the ME Tommorrow morning at the latest. Hang starts tommorrow night. The shor opens 12/8.

I'm looking for techniques for the colors, well as any other pointers anyone may have.
Ah, missunderstanding, I thought the show opened tomorrow. My mistake. yeah in this case I am sure others will have a better imput into possibilities than I. good luck.
Show Birth and After Birth
Cartoonish feel. (Simpsonsish)
Front back and right and left sidelights for each focus area.
Any suggestions(color would be really helpful)?
Stay warm, but you still need contrast, R02 front with R12 Side (you pick), I'd say R53 from the other side, and maybe neutral density or Color correction (L201) from the back? That way you can still change the moods as you see fit (to a degree) while keeping contrast...

P.S. R10 looks like urine. literally, I tried it once, will never try again.

Good luck
well, having been in the delivery room twice for my two kids,, it's an interesting scene. Let me describe what I remember of the room and scene.

the whole room had very dim lights.

Only the two medical multi-bulb flood lights are on and a soft light behind the headboard, oohh!! and a more normal incadescent light under the bed, illuminating the floor (a nice touch)

The medical lights are very, very white, like the purest white I've ever seen.

underbed light was a pleasing yellowish light. behind the headboard was a soft flourescent, reflected indirectly.

Floors were faux hardwood floors, very nice. My suggestion is two really powerful lights at 45 degree's to the foot of the bed to simulate the medical lights, the rest of the stage should be fairly dim.

That's what I've got, if you can draw the scene in ms paint or some other program, please upload it so we can get a better sense of what you need.
Here's a picture...

The furniture randomly is thrown around the stage during the show.
The US Cabinets are the entrances.
The positions are where the set pieces are on the ground plan.
The color/texture are not actual.

I can tell you don't now the show...

It's a birthday party, A couple of cousins arrive that don't want kids. Nicky's parents try to convince the cousins to have kids...

It's like that only a whole lot wierder.


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