Hog 2 effects question

Hello all,

I am currently trying to program effects with 24 colorblasts on the Hog IPC running hog 2 software. I need some help, the manual does not explain how to write your own effects with LED's. Can someone help and walk me through it?

It would be amazing if someone could.

Thanks in advance!

Select the fixtures.
Press [Pig] [Effect] to open the Effects Engine.
Press {Rainbow}.
Twiddle knobs until happy.
Press [Record].
Press [Clear] to clear the programmer.
When I try that nothing happens. I select the colorblasts I want to use, then I click pig effect, and click on an effect and when I want to spin the wheels to change the speed, and offset, and etc. there are (...)'s instead of (?)'s So it wont let me spin the wheels when I select the effect.

By any chance do you know what the problem is?
it sounds as if the wrong personalities might be loaded go in to your patch and check. I have lost a patch more than once on an IPC.
Can you manually control the fixtures outside the effects engine by just selecting them and a color? I know sometimes the hog doesnt like fixtures and the rainbow effect will not work. I also have a hog 2. Unfortunatly, you can not create your own effects for the engine. You have to create them as a cue and loop it.
Yes I can control them outside of the effects. I do have control when I choose color and manually do it. But I dont have control if I choose rainbow, or any other effect for that matter.
sjohnson90, you're correct. None of the "stock" effects contain RGB fixtures. I thought they were there, sorry.:(

So you have to build the effect yourself. Select the fixtures, put the Red/Green/Blue colors at 50%, then [pig]{Effects} to open the Effects Engine. Select the first cell under the Table: column (yours will say Red/Green/Blue rather than Cyan/Magenta/Yellow) and press [Set] to open the drop down menu and select "Sawtooth+90". Repeat for Green and Blue to make the screen look just like this one:

When done, press [Record], then any blank palette on the Effects Library. Label it something like "LED Rainbow." Now the encoders will work, although you'll probably only need the "Rate".

Play around with all the different trig functions that can be applied to various parameters. Lots of interesting looks can be created. Much of this is not particularly well-documented in the User Manual. The best way to learn is by trial and error, until you get something you like.:)

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