Career Advice Listing IATSE local on Resume

I'm not a member of the Union yet, but I have done a fair amount of work through the union as an overhire electrician, and I wanted to see if anyone had suggestions or advice on how to list that on my resume. Should I bother listing individual shows/tours that I worked on locally? Or just list that I've worked through IATSE local? You can see my current format below. Thanks!


  • BRIAN ABBOTT RESUME website.pdf
    42.6 KB · Views: 73
If you want your resume to be oriented towards design, I would simply list it as experience, indicating the local, and maybe some select events, the larger ones that are known names, as example. It let's the reader know you have experience in that environment. Might be useful if you were looking for a Head Elec or Lighting Director position at a road house as example. You can also do 2 resume's, one oriented to design, the other elaborating on the electrician and work experience, then send whatever's appropriate.

I see the Santa Fe Opera listed. My wife was the head scenic for 9 seasons in the 90's (Mark Edlund replaced her). We made a lot of friends there, Mark, Randy Lutz, the PM Paul Horpedahl, all great people and just some amazing talent through out the departments.

I had the misfortune to have to take my 6 week vacation in SF while she was working. Had to make the hard decision every morning "Should I mountain bike today, or road bike, or maybe go hang out at the outdoor pool on Alto, or maybe a hike up Lake Peak".

In all truth, we fell in love with SF and the southwest, spending whatever free time as often as we could exploring the SW and surrounding region. Loved it. Love the desert, love green chile, miss the breakfast burrito's at Tesuque Market, Burts Burger Bowl, Baja Taco...... the list is endless.

Nice resume as BTW.

Steve Bailey
LD / ME Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts
Brooklyn College
So the question now is does this become what I now call "Ghost Posts", when somebody logs in, asks a question, gets an answer or series of answers and is never heard from again.
Hey there, so sorry. I only log on every so often, and I've been pretty busy lately. But your response was great, thank you so much! Yeah, I ultimately put together two separate resumes, one for design and one for electrics, and for the electrics one I think I found a good way of listing it under experience. Thanks for your advice!

Yeah, I also love Santa Fe, and I loved working there. It was an amazing experience, so many amazing talented people. I'm originally from New Mexico as well, so any chance I get to go back there is great. Glad you fell in love with the Southwest too!

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