Low Lying Fog Machines


Active Member
I've been looking in to low lying haze/fog/dry ice machines and I think I have narrowed it down to ice chilled machines. I want that dry ice effect with out the dry ice and these seem to do a good job. I need to cover just over a 20X15 ft. area, but I can't find a unit that fits the job. I don't think I need quite the power of the Antari ICE-101, but it seems like the only option below it is the American DJ Mister Kool. Any suggestions?
I recently bought a pair of the Antari ICE-101s and am pretty impressed with the value. They run reasonably quiet and can keep the fog coming at 30 or 40 percent flow for a good long time. The automatic drainage pumps are a pleasant bonus.
I use a ICE-101 to make regular fog and it has quite a bit of output. I have used it in a 700 seat room and it filled it okay. (I was going for a fazer look.) I really like the onboard DMX.

I also have one in need of repair, and it doesn't look easy to take the main board out. It'd be doable, but access to the wiring is difficult.
Saw a Mister Kool in my room last week - just FYI, it only ran for about 40 seconds before it shut off for about a minute to re-heat.

Although it's a lot more expensive then I would like, it sounds like the ICE-101 is a great choice, and thanks for confirming my doubts about the Mister Kool. Does any one know if there are any cheaper options than the ICE-101? (Excluding the Mister Kool)
just making a chiller yourself. lots of youtube on that note.. if you want to go that rout be sure to leave room at the bottom to collect any water from the melted ice
just making a chiller yourself. lots of youtube on that note.. if you want to go that rout be sure to leave room at the bottom to collect any water from the melted ice

Careful. We did that once and spent far too much on ice to keep it going. It'll depend on how long you want your effect to last.
i should note that it works great fo me because I have access to the commercial ice machine in the kitchen.
I use a ICE-101 to make regular fog and it has quite a bit of output. I have used it in a 700 seat room and it filled it okay. (I was going for a fazer look.) I really like the onboard DMX.

I also have one in need of repair, and it doesn't look easy to take the main board out. It'd be doable, but access to the wiring is difficult.

What problems are you having? I have repaired ICE-100s before, sent me a PM if you need any help.

Also worth noting, the "guts" of the ICE-100 are exactly the same as a CITC Haze Max, but with the addition of the ice chamber and pump. Light fog fluid works pretty good in the ICE 100 if you want to use it as a heaver hazer(heavier than the DF-50).
just making a chiller yourself. lots of youtube on that note.. if you want to go that rout be sure to leave room at the bottom to collect any water from the melted ice

We did the trashcan method from YouTube and one thing I've noticed is that the ice will crush flexible 4" tubing and cause your fog to back up. I used air ducting (sans insulation) and I'm wondering if it'd work better with the aluminum dryer flex pipe.

Also, access to a commercial ice machine is almost a given for that to be successful.
Well, Low-lying fog effects tend to work best when they are cooler, colder, chillier. And you know what? Nothing works better than cryogenics to do that. As much as I applaud the creativeness of people making their own, here's a few fun facts:
1 - Most freezers will chill ice to -15C (5 F) at best. Industrial Freezers will go to lower, but not by much.
2 - Most refrigerators will chill the fog to around -20C ~ -25C (-4F ~ -13F)
3 - Low lying fog consists of chilled Glycol droplets (of co2 evaporation, like in Dry Ice) gathering heat, energy, and velocity until it warms up sufficiently to be carried up by turbulence, fall down to the floor, or coalesce and stick to a hard surface it comes in contact with.
4 - The colder the Low lying fog, the longer it persists in a low lying state.
5 - The warmer the fog, the more it'll rise up and rather become a fog effect.
6 - Cryogenics (L-CO2) chills down the fog > -80C. Mmmm yeah. That works much, much better, longer, with more efficiency.

My 2¢ :)


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