Rigging inspection needed?


Active Member
I work in a high school auditorium that is fifteen years old and as far as I can tell, no one has looked at the rigging it since it was built. We do not have a fly system, and the travelers and main curtain work. I don’t have any immediate concerns, but I don’t know what to look for and it seems like it would be good to have someone check it out. I could bring this up with facilities at the county, but I’m not certain if they would know what to look for either.

Is this something that I should bring in a professional for? If so, any recommendations? We are about 30 miles south of Atlanta. Also, any idea on a ballpark figure for the cost of an inspection?

Thanks in advance!


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Dead hung rigging is still rigging. Perhaps you don't need an inspection every year but periodic inspection is always important. Beyond that, when was the last time the curtains were tested? at 15 years they should be replaced/tested. if they were treated then they are expired, if IFR then then are probably so dirty as to be no longer conforming.
I'll have to let someone in your area give you an idea of price. our vary on how far we have to travel and I don't think we work in Georgia.
Yes what @Van said is absolutely correct. You are due for both a rigging inspection and to have your curtains fire retardant test. He works at a company that does that kind of work, but as he said, you are a bit far away for them. Send him a private message.

You are also probably too far away for @egilson1 to inspect you. Ethan would you work in Atlanta? if not Do you have any contacts in Atlanta?

@gafftapegreenia and @Footer... I think one or both of you used to be down in that area but I can't remember which one.

@BillConnerFASTC know a good rigging company in Atlanta?
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I don't have personal knowledge of local companies. Both Atlanta Rigging (maybe just production, not install, but in these times?) and Georgia Stage have ETCP certified riggers, a good sign.

The trick is to find someone who just wants to solve the problems and not primarily sell products.
I do travel for inspections, and depending on schedule often try to line up several inspections in a geographical area to reduce travel cost for the clients. Conveniently I’ll be in in the southeast in early August. You can email me if you would like to discuss further.

[email protected]
@gafftapegreenia and @Footer... I think one or both of you used to be down in that area but I can't remember which one.

Yeah, we both lived down there. Its been a few years now but off the top of my head, I'd try Atlanta Rigging Services, if they cant help you I bet they know who can.

Theres a local Barbizon office that was always friendly and helpful. Magnum might also be worth contacting, they used to do a lot of installs.
@dpak if Ethan (known around here as @egilson1) is going to be in the area definitely try to work with him. He's obsessed with safety, a highly skilled ETCP certified rigger, a lot of fun, and a good teacher. Not only would he make sure you are safe he would also be excellent to spend some time with adults and tech students doing some safety training too.

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