Automated Fixtures Element: Elation Design Spot 250 Pro, Prism roto-speed


Well-Known Member
I'm researching this for a friend designing our our theatre space. We have an ETC Element 60/500. And we have 6 Elation Design Spot 250 pro's.

We have good control over them and most of the parameters work as intended. We did end up creating a "custom" ish profile where the "color snapping" is disabled by default.

Our trouble:

The 3 facet prism. When we used to use our older ETC Insight or ETC Express 48/96 we patched all the channels to faders. On the Element we have no control over the Rotation speed of the prism. We can turn it on random, full speed Clock/Counter Clock, and Macro. But we have no speed control wheel, or index option for it.

Any assistance appreciated.
A control wheel should appear next to the tiles if you click on the Beam FX Select button above the tiles.
Yes a wheel does appear...but. The wheel only scrolls through 1-20 the corresponding Prism Macros (that already have tiles for them). I doesn't allow the 156 possible dmx values for the prism including indexing and speed.

I hope that explains our problem a little clearer. The paramter wheel doesn't control what it seems that it should be controlling.
I get the same behaviour for a few fixtures like that. It works fine from the encoders but the ML control is stepping through ranges instead of scrolling through DMX values. You can likely get around the problem by deleting the range programming for Beam FX in your custom fixture. My guess is the library defaults are optimized for Eos/Ion/Gio.

Consider raising the issue with ETC support. They should have a recommended practice for working with MLs on Element.
Thanks Derek,i think this might lead me in the correct direction, after tech today i'll take a deeper look at that thread and see if can carry it over to our Elations.
UPDATE: The latest software revision did indeed fix the encoder issues and added the missing encoders that we were looking for. Also NEW "Shift" key is in the mail! :) Thanks for the links folks.

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