Control/Dimming ETC Ion and Wybron CXI IT


Upon plugging CXIs into universe 2 on ion and patching them as Wybron CXI Mix (note these are set up without mix speed or move speed) they do not respond to board fade times. We then tried patching them and setting them up with move speed and this also did not fix the problem with the scrollers. Upon further troubleshooting the only way to get the scrollers to respond to the fade times in the board is to set the scrollers as generic dimmers with one part per channel, meaning our 15 scrollers take up 45 channels (counting intensity, of course). Hoeever this made us lose all of our color mixing info, which at this point is completely unacceptable. This does not qualify as an emergency so I refrained from calling the emergency line, but this does need to be fixed by 6pm on Monday. Also we are running ion software 1.8.2 having just updated from whatever the most recent ion beta software was. Thanks, PJ

So Pretty much, does anyone have a way to make this work, or instructions as how to make a different personality on the Ion as when I have tried to make personalities for these fixtures I am unable to properly control the color.
Yes this is true, however, the CXIs do not usually require the move speed channel to be actvie to listen to the boards changing DMX levels, which is the problem we are having with the scrollers, not that they are not working, as would happen if they were in the wrong mode and were patched to the wrong type.
I have not touched on ion outside of a demo room... but...

I think you are having issues with the attribute time. Most modern consoles assume that you don't care how fast they change from one color to another, so they move it as fast as possible even if you have a slow fade. Most consoles assume you don't want a hot move. If you do, you need to give the attribute, in this case the scroller, its own time outside of the general fade time. I don't know how to do this on the Ion, however the setting should be there somewhere.
Have you looked at the fixture release notes for the CXI? The relevant pages are attached to this post.


  • Wybron CXI FixtureReleaseNotes.pdf
    38 KB · Views: 564
I have not touched on ion outside of a demo room... but...

I think you are having issues with the attribute time. Most modern consoles assume that you don't care how fast they change from one color to another, so they move it as fast as possible even if you have a slow fade. Most consoles assume you don't want a hot move. If you do, you need to give the attribute, in this case the scroller, its own time outside of the general fade time. I don't know how to do this on the Ion, however the setting should be there somewhere.

You can do it by continuing to press the [time] button. You can set upfade, downfade, focus time, color time, beam time. It changes each time you press the time button.

Example syntax would be : [Record][Cue] #[Time][Time][Time][Time]# [Enter]

You can also set discreet timing for the attribute channel. Select the channel, then the attribute (color), then hit time and give it a discreet timing.

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