Headset Compatibility

Jay Ashworth

Well-Known Member
I have an after-market headset that I bought of eBay about 5 or 6 years ago to use with the RTS802 system at our late, lamented local public access facility. It worked fine there, and went in a drawer when they closed the studio down.

I pulled it out to use it on the PI MS-200 in the blackbox we're doing our little tiny version of legit in this week, and tried it out last night for the first time. Listens fine, but won't talk; no sidetone, and the other end can't hear me either.

I'm assuming all the mics involved here are dynamic, though I suppose that might be wrong, but it is the proper A4F connector on the headset cord to mate with the panel. Is it possible that the mic is electret and needs bias? There's a series resistor inside the plug, but I believe it's on the receive side.

I'm pretty sure this headset worked with RS-601 beltboxes at my last production job in 2011 as well, and I *know* those require a dynamic mic as-shipped.

Any knobs I might have to frob on the panel?
UPDATE: I've located the MS-200 manual PDF and indeed it says it expects a dynamic mic, as I expected it would.

So i guess I'm going to have to get some clipleads and arrange a way to test whether there's anything coming out the MIC pins of that XLR4...
UPDATE: I've located the MS-200 manual PDF and indeed it says it expects a dynamic mic, as I expected it would.

So i guess I'm going to have to get some clipleads and arrange a way to test whether there's anything coming out the MIC pins of that XLR4...

Aaand... the working PI headset has DC resistance of 400 ohms listen and 200 talk, mine has 50 ohms listen... and talk is open.

Problem found, at least

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