Holy Enchanted Rose

Hi Fiyero1988,
Welcome to CB, I presume you work/own/run T.E.A.L,
I checked out "The Backstage Life" it seems more based around Pyro & Effects than CB, as CB has a policy on not giving out too much pyro advice as if you tell a 12 year old how to make a cannon, chances are he will make a cannon. Damage will be done. So for that reason we limit the special effects talk.

The Backstage Life seems like it has a bit to go, 7 posts and 3 members, maybe our webmaster might give you some help in ways to promote your special effects forum (Or is that helping the enemy Dave?), most CBers will never leave!

Make sure you use the search feature before posing anything, and try not to blatantly advertise too much, acceptable is if someone posts "I need so and so product" and you reply with "we sell so and so for this much" but don't start new threads saying "Breaking news we sell this product for this much!" you can read the CB TOS here.

That said have fun here, keep logging on regularly and you will learn heaps.

Welcome aboard,

A bit of constructive criticism.

Might want to do some cleaning on your website. Your header is all kinds of messed up. Also, you need to look at what your website is trying to sell. Is it trying to sell rental gear or is it trying to sell you with your rental gear? As a person that rents gear, your website really does not sell to me why I should rent from you. As a producer, I don't really care if you use DMX512 to control things, all I care is that the show looks good and everything works. Work on your portfolio pages, show us what you can do with all those fancy lights and why I should pay for you and your rental gear to come into my space and do my show. Get rid of the "tech talk", the people who know what it means don't care and the people who don't know what it means don't care.

Otherwise, it looks like you are on the right track to starting up a small lighting company. There are plenty of people out there who have started companys with a handful of gear and expanded to warehouses that are empty because all of their gear is out all the time.

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