How to become unemployed


CB Mods
Premium Member
Fight Leukemia
If you are tired of doing the same old thing and really want to be unemployed (Congress did just extend unemployment benefits), then I suggest that you follow these seven easy steps in this article. On the other hand, you could accept it as satire and understand that this business advice works well in our industry especially.

If you want to succeed, he offers other helpful advice here and here. Both of those articles are more for the performers, but you can easily apply these concepts to bettering yourself so that you, too, can become one of the success stories that we read about in the trade magazines.

While some may argue with his point about your "other 8 hours" after you pull another 16 hour shift, consider what you do in between shows. Who is playing games and who is working on their work skills?
If im that unhappy can't I just grab some beers and jump out the emergency slide? Lol
If you did that, more people would know you and possibly want you to work for them. Look how the public idolized Slater. Also, that violates step five, unless you do it when nobody's around.:twisted:

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