how to calculating the electric chain hoist

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Hi all,

I would like to ask how to calculating the electric chain hoist?
this is my model.

If i use it on a truss, how can i calculate the loading when there are some lighting system.
Hello! Are you asking for something more complicated than knowing the weights of the items your hoisting and adding them all up for a total weight? The load on the hook equals the total of the items being hoisted. The load on the point equals the load on the hook plus the weight of the hoist and any attachments. I gather I'm not understanding your question.
You could always invest in a strain gauge scale with a rating greater than your hoist but that's a touch of overkill for basic lifts.
Ron Hebbard.
I really hate to do this, but I'm closing this thread. It looks like we have a language barrier here, my advice would be to go get some help in your native language. I don't want something to get lost in translation and someone ends up getting hurt or killed.

There are plenty of people in Hong Kong that know how to do this right and can teach you. Talk to the people you bought the hoists and truss from, they should be able to help or point you in the right direction.
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