Las Vegas Market


Well-Known Member
I have recently began to think about the possibility of looking at Las Vegas as a market to go into next year, basically I’m looking to move there as it makes sense with the entertainment industry. I am a lighting tech that has a wide range of experience ranging form theatre, corporate work, rock and roll, trade shows, cruise ship’s and dance. I am a certified VL warranty tech, I have gone to grand MA school at A.C.T Lighting and I am looking to complete Green Hippo training this year to get some more standardized training on my video chops. I would look to do more high end work as oppose to a theatre electrician gig. I also have 5 years of experience working with 1.4 and 1.3 pyrotechnics and was licensed to do so by two previous employers. I would look at working ranging from a bench tech for intelligent lighting, programmer, pyro and FX and running shows. I know the city is surprisingly inexpensive to live in and many friends have told me despite what you hear on the news with the economy being bad the entertainment industry in Las Vegas is doing well. The weather is also a big factor for me as well I’m originally from the southwest and I am over the Chicago winters. Any info any one could give out or some pointers would be appreciated. Also I’m looking at the freelance market as well.
Las Vegas is a diverse city. There are great paying jobs and others which are barely above minimum wage. Housing can range from dirt cheap to "what, are you kidding?" depending on where you want to live. You can rent a house for cheaper than an apartment in most parts of town.

I have not tried getting work through the local, but when I was in Phoenix, I knew several people who would regularly come up to work for their calls. I also know that Rhino Staging would also need to bring techs from Phoenix to fill calls. The best way to get on one of the big permanent shows seems to be taking one of their on-call positions and waiting for a full time position to open.

Good luck, but make sure to have a decent amount of savings before you move. I'd also recommend a visit before you move, just to scope things out. After all, flights to Vegas are usually relatively inexpensive.

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