MBER error code for the Coemar I-Spot 575 EB


Can any body help me, how to repair MBER error code Coemar I-Spot 575 EB, I read the manual and it said that the motherboard within the unit is not communicating properly with the control source. Check the connectors located on both boards.

I did check the connection between the board and it is ok, but still the error is on, then I replace the display board with new one and fix it, still there is an error. I have only one option to test to replace the main board, but the thing is I don't want to buy new board and have the same error.

Can anyone help me up to do some testing, before I buy a new main board for my moving lights.

If you have more than 1 of the moving lights, try swaping a know working board from another fixture and see if that resolves your issues.

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