Need a lighting console to use as rental as well as personal


I want to invest in a good console that I can hone my skills on as well as use as a rental. I do LD work for 2 multipurpose sound companies as well as some theatre work. No one within 90 miles has a console so it would be the only one in the area. I was thinking of a grandMA 1 or whole hog. I need something that is fairly popular among LDs and that would be dependable also. I would like a low miles used one. I could justify amortizing it over 2 years. I need a big purchase on the books this year.

Any thoughts??

What size rigs do you use and what sort of events do you do? Do you have any experience with any moving light desks that you've liked in the past?
well...there might be some big shows in the near future with 24+ fixtures. Usually 12-16 movers and some LEDs
want it to be a good console to invest time in as well as one that people are anxious to rent.
I want to invest in a good console that I can hone my skills on as well as use as a rental. I do LD work for 2 multipurpose sound companies as well as some theatre work. No one within 90 miles has a console so it would be the only one in the area. I was thinking of a grandMA 1 or whole hog. I need something that is fairly popular among LDs and that would be dependable also. I would like a low miles used one. I could justify amortizing it over 2 years. I need a big purchase on the books this year.

Any thoughts??

my .02, Don't buy a GMA 1 or Hog 2 or 3.
Don't buy anything not "Current". There is no point to learning a discontinued console, and there won't be a rental market for it for long.
Here are my suggestions... Depending on your budget.

GMA 2 Lite
GMA 2 Ultralite
Hog 4 Roadhog
Hog 4 Hedgehog
Martin M1

There are others as well, but I would consider these, the "main players" (I am sure I am missing someone, just drawing a blank right now)

Note: I wouldn't suggest a PC based controller if you are hoping to rent it out. Stick with the hardware based models.. This takes out the problems of virus protection, OS updates and incompatibilities.

Edit:Just noticed you are amortizing the cost over 2 years.. Once again, DON'T buy a discontinued desk! it will be worth next to nothing in 2 years... If you can't afford a new desk, maybe its really not worth owning one... Rent one and have it shipped in when needed. I know you will end up paying more in shipping/rental costs. But your ROI will be much higher than having something that will never get rented from you, and is worth tons less than you paid for it.
The only way I can get on board is if you don't care if anyone ever rents it from you, and you are ok with learning a desk that will not help you work on other shows. (I understand that old versions of desks are similar, but muscle memory begs to differ) Going back and forth from hog 3 to 4 is painful at best..

Edit 2: And Just noticed your location is "Minnesota" Where in Minnesota? There are tons of desks in the Twin cites, so I assume you are talking outstate somewhere?
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southeast minn and northern iowa... the twin cities has lots, but we are over 100 miles away. I'm not looking for primary rental, just to suppliment when I'm not using. It would be mainly for me, my theatres and so I can be in demand as an ld.

this list is just what I'm looking for. thanks!

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